Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wicked professional, porn, weather wizard, cat, Swordfish dreams

Dream diary update. The kittens have made it difficult to sleep at night sometimes so that I get up between 1 and 4 am. For instance Monday night I woke up with Snooky kitten biting my butt and back. I often wake up with Smoky kitten trying to attack my belly button. My dreams also turned more nefarious over the last 9 days.
   Last Tuesday I dreamed about making money making hardcore fetish porn. Wednesday I dreamed that I was part of a rich gay couple in a world society that was turning homosexual. We came out together so I could happily watch my parents' heads explode and inherit all their happiness together along with my partner's wealth.

   Thursday my dreams turned more cartoonish or like video games. I dreamed about committing various evils and wicked sins against others with delight, along with making more porn. On Friday I dreamed about being a nasty landscape architect constructing beautiful garden mazes of green grass and tall shrubs that I would send people into so they would be robbed and worse inside the labyrinth.

Saturday afternoon I dreamed about being a semi-pro dancer who lost his mind and started attacking patrons. These dreams would start very beautiful and colorful with lots of vivid greens before they turned nasty
   On Sunday I dreamed about being a weather wizard again but this time I devastated a continent from high altitudes so that the destruction could be witnessed from space. The boys came over Sunday and Tom accidentally ran over Smoky kitten when he was darting under his wheelchair, breaking some ribs. Smoky recovered almost right away since he is freakishly big for a 5-month-old. Sunday night I dreamed about cats all night since I was over-concerned about him.

   Just now I had dreams about robbing the same bank twice like in the film Swordfish. The first time I helped a group of organized gangsters steal from it. The second time I went back and defrauded a million or two for myself and deposited it into the same bank to become a self-made businessman and entrepreneur.

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, the same day this was posted, I found out by watching WGN news at 9 pm last night that 2 unusual incidents happened. First a serial bank robber in Chicago robbed the same bank a fourth time. Second around dusk a couple and their babies got lost in a huge corn maze outside Boston and finally called 911 on their cell phones only 26 feet from the exit. The farmer who built the corn maze offered them free tickets to try again. The premonitory similarities to dreams described in this entry was odd enough for comment.
