Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dragon's Lair, Nature Elemental, afterlife department store, biker comix dreams

Dream diary update. I haven't made an entry for a while, but I have an excuse this time. I had a week where the kittens kept waking me up all night. They lost their darling mom to a dog or a car mid-week, something that squeezed her head until an eye popped. My deep sleep for a week was often interrupted by them knocking on my door, mewling, batting stuff over, and sharp kitten claws.
Monday night I had a dream around midnight that I was in love. Not only was I in love but I was completely unashamed to proclaim my love in front of the whole world as I pursued in public various attractive and scantily-clad females who were all quickly en déshabillé. The curious thing about the dream was how it was me running through odd scenes as if it were all one long shot forwards, even sword-fighting to pursue my reluctant conquests. It reminded me of the old 1980s laserdisc video game Dragon's Lair which often fried in the middle of cut-scenes and great sword fights along with shooting jets of dragon's breath, magma bursts, traps, and fairy dust. I woke up in a pile of kittens.

After petting kitties for a while and watching telly I finally got back to sleep after 5 am and I dreamed I was an Ent or an old nature elemental sleeping in a bed of autumn leaves and bright dawn light. There was a decidedly supernatural aspect to this dream that left me feeling at peace.

Tuesday night (an hour ago) I woke up after midnight after having a dream about being an employee in a big box department store like Wal-mart, only it was the afterlife and we all had changed identities to fit the store. In my case the motivational speeches and endless meetings with boring managers unsurprisingly failed to inspire any work-ethic. Near the end of the dream I stopped working and I wandered around the store to gawk at managers engaging in open sex with customers in the aisles and on the cash registers. The arrangements and positions seemed oddly stylized, as if R. Crumb tried to draw the Kama Sutra, Shunga, and The Joy of Sex illustrated for Underground Comix or some other x-rated biker rag. I stepped off a conveyor belt to watch my supervisor begin fisting his girlfriend in front of the gum rack as I awoke.

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