Monday, April 9, 2012

Musical duets, Hawaiian flyovers, body piercings, Prospero Tempest, hunting panther woman dreams

   Dream diary update. Practically a whole month has gone by since my last diary entry. Its not that I was dreaming less, I just didn't feel like writing them. After my last entry I began having a long series of musical dreams. Thursday morning I dreamed about singing Autumn Leaves duet with a dream lover again.

My youtube playlist has a higher res version that won't embed here for some reason. In this dream I was the inferior singer and the woman I was duetting with had the golden opera pipes that hits those high notes.
   I've had a lot of dreams this past month about losing my breath, though no sleep apnea or other night disturbances. I think I just become more aware of my shallow nighttime breathing during my dreams about singing. I used to be a fairly decent choral member before adolescence ruined my pipes. Now I just have a muted vocal range and a good tiger yell.
   Friday morning I dreamed about nontraditional Hawaiian music from a pbs special "Over Hawai'i: A pilot's story" I dreamed I was with the all-male Hawai'ian choruse in a disembodied cloud flying over the islands. Mostly we stayed over Maui with good reason. The pilots say that's the best flyover in the world. Though I've never actually been except in a dream.
   From this point on I had a week of dark slasher dreams with lots of sexual sadism and body piercings. Mostly nipple piercings with a little tongue. I don't actually have any but I can dream about them (:

   After that dry period was over I began having really wild Tempest dreams again that I was Prospero. It was good to have some dream powers. Lo' and behold the sorcerer in my dream musings was finally brought down again by more dreams of romantic love. I suppose since I can't meet those needs in real life, it makes sense that I might have them night after night in my dreams. Once again I didn't feel like writing about them for some weeks until now. Recently my romantic dreams have turned into more active hunting dreams about white stags, unicorns, the whole menagerie. Just now I had a particularly vivid dream that I was a panther giving cunnilingus to a sexy woman that I had hunted down. You can guess at how it ends, since I had a very big panther tongue.

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