Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Plasma arc choral ensemble, Ghosts of Mars space program dreams

Dream diary update. I put off making my next entry too long. I had some real wild dreams last week but now I've forgotten most of them. Anyway 2 days ago I had a dream where I was mage like Gandalf the Grey. I empowered a little girl & her monster friend to sing opera together. I did it by arching a plasma arc of white power over them.

Their music was a haunting mishmash of 3 other music snippets. The first was the lyrical version of "Oh, Didn't He Ramble!" by Mr Louis Armstrong:

The second music snippet was a massive choral arrangement of"Jupiter: The Bringer Of Jollity" by Gustav Holst

I couldn't place the third music snippet in my dream composition but I suspect it was Con Te Partiro

   Just now I had another dream about a private space ship group, not SpaceX, responsible for helping our migration to Mars. Like in the films MIB 3 & in Empire Strikes Back, I helped the Apollo 11-style, Saturn V rocket ships take off. I felt the thunderous roar of their take off exhaust vibrating against my head. They lifted off into the brilliant blue sky while a sun ray arched across the horizon as I awoke.

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