Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dolphin Aflockalypse, fracking Piasa bird, dead megacity, zombies, evil priests, demon boy, gothic lolita vampires dreams

I've been neglecting the dream diary again, this time for 3 weeks. 2 weeks ago I couldn't get rid of the dream images of swimming with zombie dolphins and walking up to beached whales. I suppose it was because of reading about the thousands of Aflockalypse kills in Peru due to offshore oil & gas exploration.

   I also dreamed about poisoned scaly deer with red eyes and a man's face chasing me. They were angry about all the US natural gas fracking ruining their forests and watersheds. An Illini native American medicine man saved me from the dream deer beasts before turning into a crow and flying up and away. I had forgotten about the legend of the Piasa bird but I woke up from those dreams remembering it.

   Last week I started dreaming about being lost walking or working through dead cities. Frequently I would find myself repeating the same steps over and over again throughout the dream until the world exploded around me. As if the emptiness of existence in the dead megacity of my dreams made daily life a set of meaningless rote trials.

   This week in addition to giant megacities I also started dreaming about zombies, evil priests, demon boys, and gothic lolita vampire girls. No doubt this dream trend is from my watching weird Japanes horror animes again. I started up this hobby after watching the Avengers movie last Tuesday for my sister's birthday present. Still I suppose its better to populate my dream megacities with bloodthirsty rogue characters than to just leave them empty except for laborers like myself. Still this dream trend is almost as absurd as when I used to dream repeatedly about being chased by Ms PacMan, a video game I mastered decades ago as an adolescent. I've been telling myself how stupid my dreams are all month, even though I often feel they beckon me involuntarily back to sleep.

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