Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guest Post: My nephew "Dirk Diddly" dreams about me mountain biking & being attacked by giant zombie Van Damme

My nephew had this dream about me this morning, shared via himachi chat log: 

[06:59:45]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
[06:59:51]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
weird fuckin dream
[07:00:07]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I dreamed you and I went to kroger
[07:01:03]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
while we were there, we attracted some kind of evil, we only sensed it slightly there but we all felt kinda strange
[07:05:25]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
See you had lost all the toes on one foot but were entering a mountain biking competition anyway
[07:05:34]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and we were getting supplies
[07:05:35]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
[07:06:11]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
when we got home we sat at gma's table and talked about random crap
[07:06:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
but suddenly you said WOAH LOOK AT THAT
[07:06:28]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and we didn't see anything
[07:06:40]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
but then some really really odd music started playing
[07:06:49]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and I saw kroger parking lot
[07:06:58]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and a GIANT FUCKIN ZOMBIE was coming out of it
[07:07:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
they had firefighters and shit trying to stop it but it swiped em away
[07:07:36]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and we all knew it was coming for us
[07:08:39]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
Then a virus scan window popped up in my head and demanded a bunch of shit removed
[07:08:42]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and I woke up
[07:08:55]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and now joe wants me to go to kroger
[07:14:48]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I think the zombie was Jean-Claude Van Damme
[07:15:05]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
A giant zombie Jean-Claude Van Damme came after us

Dream Interpretation: In context, I had asked my nephew to look out for canned cat food on sale at Kroger for our ailing cat Sticky.  So that's probably why he was dreaming about Kroger parking lot. The "mountain biking and missing toes" dream sequence about me pertains to how when he was growing up I was a fitness nut with a revoked IL drivers license, so I mountain biked everywhere. Whenever he saw me I would be peeling off my socks and jokingly complained to him that I would probably lose some toes this time after having exercised for 3 hours and biking 24 miles to see them. It was my idea of a breaking the ice joke tradition, and it also served to remind my paraplegic nephew to be aware of his toes. The 'Van Damme' and 'viruscan' dream elements are other things that I had introduced him to while growing up.
   My own dreams lately have been interesting and peaceful. Ive had maybe 2 nights of dreaming about outer space and meteor showers, several nights of dreaming about being a forest god, and one or 2 nights as a druid high priest and a hermaphrodite. Standard stuff for me. Its actually surprising that I haven't had more dreams about fighting demons and beating the crap out of things. I usually have regular dreams about my martial arts training and boxing, but no. I will probably lose my next fight from getting soft.

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