Sunday, May 12, 2013

Braman, yoga injury, wheel of fire, Green Man, Apparition, Library Apocalypse dreams

Dream diary update. This is the first entry I have made on CrapboxReloaded. The old power supply on Crapbox died and the boys helped me get reconnected on this newer device. On Wednesday 5/8 I began having dreams that involved more movements and sleepwalking. I can tell when my sleeping spinal block is partially inactive every 6 weeks or so. Wednesday's dreaming was harmless. I had Brahman-type Vedic dreams about creation & discipline while I could feel my body practicing some yoga moves. Sure enough I woke up sore on Thursday.

   I fell asleep upstairs Thursday 5/9 afternoon while holding Swirly kitten on the couch and after I woke up I noticed that I couldn't walk anymore. Its possible that I may have vaulted from the couch to leap awake at some point either Wednesday or Thursday. I don't remember it well. Anyway I had a medium strain in my lower back muscles that contorted my posture and made it very painful to get up for the past 4 days. I only just now got full functioning & ROM, although I expect the discomfort when my spinal pressure rises as I stand to continue for a few days.
   On Friday 5/10 I dreamed I was the Green Man again. I turned a few people into trees before turning into a soaring eagle in mid-air. I woke up while dreaming that I was flying a great loop until I was upside down.

   On Saturday 5/11 I dreamed about being a bodiless apparition or blue vapor who moved from room to room interacting with other higher dimensional entities. I wondered if this dream was related to my injury or to the muscle relaxant med that dad gave me. I've been taking them once per day at noon and they cause me to drop off into a disturbed nap.

   This morning (Sunday 5/12) I had another wild dream that was filled with religious imagery. This time it was more Judeo-Christian than Wednesday's Hindu dreams. Instead of dreaming about a wheel of fire or reincarnation, I dreamed that the 'end times' apocalypse was at hand. Instead of being a floating apparition moving room to room like yesterday (Saturday, 5/11), I dreamed up a new physical identity who similarly moved from room to room as the dream progressed. I was helping a group of monks try to save sacred scriptures and testaments in each room as the leader of the demons attacked with his minions. I read the scriptures as I visited each room talking to the monks. They were profoundly Christian but included some discussion of Babylonian deities and naming demons. We were losing against the latest demon attack. I was pinned against the ceiling & enveloped by blue flames as parchment smoldered & flew everywhere like a swarm of fiery bees. The flames reached my eyes blinding me as I awoke. I mused on how religious my dreams have been getting lately when religion plays so small a part of my waking life. I had an urge to watch religious satire anime, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, which I found mildly amusing.  I briefly considered and rejected attending Mother's Day services with mom at her Methodist haunt.

   Interpretation: It is not unusual for me to have apocalyptic dreams after injuring myself in my sleep. However, the blue flames, Green Man. ivy, and other nature images suggest that it may be related to Wednesday's announcement that global carbon dioxide reached 400 ppm. Thursday's PBS Newshour announced that that is the highest it has been in 3M years. All the coastal state Senators I watched on cspan this week were speaking about how their states will be ruined by between 2050 and 2100. Both California senators claimed that their state will be a desert. Senator Whitehouse of Rhode Island claimed that vast swaths of the East coast will soon be underwater. So the apocalypse dreams are probably because of that disturbing announcement. I spoke with my brother about it briefly yesterday. As to why the dreams are so religious is anyone's guess. I am a hard agnostic humanist while awake. I like to say that no human could possibly have it right.
   As to why I've been dreaming about Vedas or sacred texts. This week I heard the results of a long term study about the effects of heavy internet usage on child development. The researchers claimed that lack of human interaction led to stunted language development for babies born since 2000 (Millennial babies.) Conclusions Quote: "Heavy usage of devices (ie babysitter tvs) led to a scarcity in polyglots and the Internet is 'Shredding' basic reading skills." I especially remember that word 'Shredding' by the early internet usage. Since I grew up in libraries sleeping and reading, I know how important they are to secondary education. I may be no true polyglot, but I can read at 300+ words per minute. That has enhanced my internet experience. It seems that most Millennials want a more stimulative medium or VR interface. That will harm their chances at traditional education. More importantly, they will even be unfamiliar with the concept of sacred texts since text outside of txting & tweeting would seem completely unnecessary to them.

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