Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time Stop & Climate Change dreams via chat log w/ my naturalist nephew

you know swirly caught a bird this morning and tried to eat him in here
[13:56:57]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
lol mighty huntress!
she let him go and used my bed as a trampoline to catch him again
[13:57:14]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
day by day she grows in skill in powah
[13:57:23]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
we are amazed at her prowess purr
y its true
[13:57:41]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
lol don't let it get loose in the house warrior princess
tampoline skills
[00:35:23]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
hi guys
[00:43:45]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I'm up at midnight again X_X
[00:43:48]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
so's joe
ive been having a superweird dream
[00:44:02]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[00:44:05]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[00:44:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
are always odd
i was stuck in a time stop and kept reliving two minutest agan
reliving two minutes
[00:45:04]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
O_O that would get torturous fast
 only they kept changing and these mafia guy kept coming to kill us
in the end i chose life and light instead of darkness and kept arguing with them that they shouldnt kill me
they were members of the cops mafia
you know crooked cops
i was a physician who wanted to save everybody
i kept wanting to kill everybody but if i did that then id be stuck in the time loop forever
[00:49:01]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
so i lengthened the time loop to 3 minutes by trying to save everybody even tho they were intending to kill me
at the end of 3 minutes i had taken 2 bullets and fought them off while explaining why they shouldnt kill me for exposing them
also i saved one of their number who had gone down in the firefight
i was in the corner applying tourniquets and arguing with him when i woke up
[00:54:13]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
that's pretty strange lol the more people you keep from dying the more time you get but you'd need more than a few mins to save them I would think.
[01:02:01]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I've been mostly dreamless lately, kinda strange really. I had one REALLY funky climate change/dystopia/death related one a couple months ago and can't remember having any after that
[01:10:13]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I was on wolf creek. The power plant on lake of egypt had become a massive supercomplex of smog spewing factories and other assorted industrial buildings. We were all trapped there; crowds of despondent people lined the water's edge dressed in rags. I went to the end where the cars usually turned around, and this weird robed guy was holding a dead girl. He looked at me and said some weird mumbly stuff, then knelt down next to the water. The girl's body turned to oily sludge and drained into the water. End dream, tho thinking back I wonder if the line of people were those waiting to be transformed and emptied into the lake
[01:10:34]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
it freaked me out a little
[01:10:52]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
same day you told me about those rednecks who shot a circus elephant IIRC
[01:11:08]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
haven't had much since then
[01:11:16]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
lol it's a little morbid sorry
[01:11:51]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
anyway I'm no dream interpreter so can't help you there
oh well i usually have time stop dreams when im mediatating
I suspect it was because I was forcing myself to stay on my left side all night to void rolling on kitties
they come and go from my bed at night you see
When I passed out Sticky was sleeping in front of me while Swirly kept jumping up to tampoline on my bed

I said that I was laying on my left side to avoid rolling over onto kittens in bed.In truth I was laying on my RIGHT side. I have to meditate while asleep to stay on my RIGHT side because I favor the left. If I don't do this then I frequently thrash around and damage the wall.

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