Monday, December 20, 2010

anthropomorphic, sniper, Tron, weather wizard, Nutcracker, penitent priest dreams

Dream diary entry. Well my dreams of late have been either violent, unpleasant, or forgettable. So I neglected making individual diary entries for them. Last Thursday and Friday I had violent anthropomorphic dreams about children and talking animals and a diabolic giant turtle that wanted me to be a trained sniper. Saturday I dreamed about the new Tron movie and VR, because I wanted to see the 3D movie kind of badly. Sunday's dreams were of being a weather wizard again, probably from listening to transnational news reports about the rampant rains and snows. Monday I dreamed about the Nutcracker Arabian Dance music again like last year

Just now I had a dream about being a penitent priest, probably because I sensed my affectionate cat and Independent Lens: The Calling playing on my TV.

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