Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wonkavator, Escalator schools, graduate jobs

Dream diary update. I awoke early this morning I awoke at 3 am after several recurring dreams that I unhappily associate with my lifetime failures to find work placement after graduations. Basically graduation is just as depressing as dropping out for me, and I did both for 34 years from abortive preschools to extended graduate and professional studies. IMAO postgraduate community college was like High School with a strong dose of corporate nepotism thrown in. Nevertheless I am thankfully not currently in any "escalator schools" for middle-aged has-beens like myself and teenaged sex-bunnies. Nevertheless my pointlessly extended school experience still gives me existential nightmares. I dream that I am on a Wonkavator with buttons that point to diplomas. Too bad it doesn't lead to breaking any glass ceilings for me or I might get some help doing it.

I also had a dream about being an old man in an open escalator school for 15-22 year olds. In that dream my movement ends up slowing to a crawl while the teen voices around me go up to chipmunk scales and frequencies.

Finally in my dreams I ended up back in my School of Hard Knocks dream college like the nights before. The subjects covered included synthetic gasoline and Road Warrior fighting techniques over gas, women, and water in the Rust Belt of the future after Climate Change and corporate environmental degradation gets through with us. Despite this dream I still intend to stay in my godforsaken Rust Belt home town basement apartment with no jobs for freaks like me.

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