Friday, January 28, 2011

Spirit quest, surreal NYC, cat's paws dream

Dream diary update. About an hour ago I had a deep spirit quest-style dream about trying to escort a 14-year-old girl through a surreal verion of NYC.

Rahm Emanuel was one of several teachers on our spirit quest who taught us how to swing around skyscrapers on cables. The winds frequently caused the landscapes to shift. At one point pink streamers and ribbons dropped down everywhere. Another point the sounds of crowds of children cheering rang out. I lost the girl and felt giant cats paws pulling me out through the sky when I awoke. (pic: Glowing Hydrogen lights up Cat's Paw Nebula)

Both cats were on top of me when I awoke on the couch. Fluffy was under my arm purring while Stinky licked my leg. They leaped up when I started to rouse and jumped off. Mom was reading in the recliner next to us. I felt disoriented because the dream landscape seemed more real than my surroundings.

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