Monday, February 14, 2011

Spider dictator, snake demons, dystopian junk car park dreams

Dream diary update. My dreams since Saturday have varied between dreadful and dystopian. Saturday afternoon I dreamed about controlling an Escher maze with a pet spider that was hippo-sized. I worked out my demonic feelings by running people through one of the maze traps were the spider would swoop down and suck the juices out of them. My chamberlain and viceroy had a new shipment of prisoners but hesitated to send the youngest. I insisted that he go first as it was a boy of about 3-5 who had never heard of my pet spider. The trap spider swooped down surely and lifted the boy upwards for me to see as he pierced the child's back with his fangs. The scream and the expression of terror and lost hope on the boy's face was so sweet to my dictator persona that I leaped off the parapet and dived straight into the boy's wrinkled face as I awoke.

Early Sunday morning around 0130 I awoke after a similar horrible dream only this one had snake demons instead of spiders. In this one the world had become overrun with people corrupted by attaining weak demonic powers. People sought to capture the possessions or corpse of real demons so they could consume them. As they consumed them, primarily by licking, people would become more snake-like or more demon-like. They initially would grow wings and horns. Later stages they would grow a long tongue like a dog's only about 30 inches long and behave more like vampires.

I hid my identity from the corrupted fellowship as a low-level changeling demon, but the snake demons knew me for what I was. People wondered why I did not spend times searching for human sacrifices or greedily licking at the articles of clothing of suspected demons masquerading as humans. If the corrupted fellowship ever figured out that I was a real demon then I would become the hunted. I could not hide my changeling status from regular humans anymore so I couldn't leave them either. I awaited the time of my ascension so I would become immortal and immune to their attacks. I considered myself socialized by humans so I retained a certain fondness for them that I hid. A grinning snake demon was about to demand that I eat an attractive female human for St Valentine's Day when I awoke.

I was fed up with demonic dreams so I resolved to change them later. Dreams later Sunday morning were about kawaii anime characters like dog-eared boys and cat-girls along with Valentine cards I've read before. Unfortunately this dream was too much the other way for me so I awoke disgusted again.

At 0506 Monday morning I had a dystopian dream, probably from hearing all the late night news about the further decay of the US empire and the ascension of China's hybrid economy. For example BBC World news just now reported that China would surpass the US and the West in under 10 years and no longer need to export to us with the rising developing countries ready to pick up all their exports. Anyway the dream I just had was about joining a US community of homeless caravans. We had sort of built a gated community of junkyard cars.

I was one of the latest arrivals but I found I could only join the largest cohort of aggressive, trashy poor people with kids and guns but no money.

The greedy old retirement community was on the other side of the car park but they had servants and private security to protect their great wealth and to keep us all out. I tried to stay out of the way of the breeders as they fought and murdered each other over grannies and schemed to use them to gain access to the richer old fart community compound. Despite my efforts to hide it the matriarch had discovered I was educated and could read. She had just hatched a new scam involving a granny doing infomercials and myself as go-between braving murderous cops in both communities when I awoke. Real infomercials were playing on my TV. I consider this to be a 'Boy and His Dog'-type dream without the nuclear war scenario and just using oily cars and overpopulation to achieve the appropriate environmental devastation.

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