Saturday, May 21, 2011

Coyote dream

Dream diary update. I just seconds ago had this dream. I was an advanced elemental druid charged by nature spirits to contain an invasion of otherworldly beings. I was a bit of a pariah and had to break out of a material prison in the mountains. So there were nature and dead spirits who hated me for being a human changeling and wanted me to fail. The powers I was granted were irresistible so their ire did not matter. However they were also limited and every time I used my powers against one of them my powers spilled over and diminished just a bit. So I attempted to appeal to their better judgement but most did not care about the invasion. Fortunately I also had a variety of disguises. I escaped several dangerous situations including my mountain prison and was working to quash the invasion when I awoke. I have identified this dream as a dream about Coyote. I often dream about Raven, Hecate, or Loki but I rarely have one about either Coyote or Prometheus.

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