Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Godhood, Plato's Republic, Unbearable Lightness of Being dreams

Dream diary update. I fell asleep for a long nap after lunch. I had a dream of arguing with Plato about The Unbearable Lightness of Being. This is probably cuz before falling asleep I was reading about Plato's The Republic again and chatting with my nephew Joe (aka marxistplot) about how safe my man-cave is from the storms as it is 13 ft below ground-level. When I awoke I realized there was still no storm outside because of the low air pressure cap over us. Thats when I remembered the little prayer I made before falling asleep last night. I wanted my little sister and nephews to be as happy as my kitties instead of afraid of the storms. I really didn't expect the storms to bother us today and I still don't. Joe says all the towns around here are shutting down and building bunkers. The storms seem to be headed off for Chicago instead lol. I also reflected on a new dream I had about godhood last night. Its difficult to describe those so I usually just write in the diary blog that I dreamed about being a God again.

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