Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chile Titans, Mayan palaces, wild animal dreams

Dream diary update. Friday night I woke up from a dream at midnight. It was continuing with the theme of Chilean Andes. I was a man-sized Titan in a mountain village of other Titans. This peculiarity of the dream is probably due to the video game my nephews came over and lanned earlier this week: Age of Mythology The Titans edition. Anyway in the dream we were building a civilization that resembled urban Mayan but probably predated them. We were able to shift roles and visages around. I was a topless woman for a while before shifting my visage to that of the leader. I became power-mad and wished for our destruction as the palace we were working on collapsed. We all fell far into the hill into ancient catacombs, becoming confused and separated by the disaster. As the dust cloud from the collapse swirled vampires killed or zombified most of the others. I was the last one to be killed as I awoke at midnight.
   Unsurprisingly I found it difficult to sleep after this dream so I stayed awake all night. The next morning I passed out eventually and dreamed that we had rebuilt and become a great and wise civilization of Titans. The new palace lasted hundreds of years and contained all the necessary elements for an advanced republic.
   This evening I dreamed I was a wild animal. When the front door opened at 2200 I awoke jumping up off the couch snarling while Silky also popped out from where she had been nursing her kittens under the end table. It turned out to just be my sister, Jill, and my biologist nephew. They wanted to take digital photos of the kittens for an adoption website. Unfortunately the kittens were lost and I only found them later after they left when I turned over the couch.

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