Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fluffy's wildflowers, global warming floods, mom's art, boat festivals, Venice dreams

Dream diary update. Like most of my dreams lately this one started out about cats. Then it changed to be about mom's massive collection of paintings and artwork. Like it says in my Facebook company listing I stay in "Mom's basement art storage" so her collected works are often uppermost in my mind. Mom is helping me plant some wildflowers out on Fluffy cat and her brother's graves. She also is being supportive of my taking care of the wild cats that showed up crying outside on the night that Fluffy died. They aren't wild with me for some reason.

Anyway in my dream the world is flooding owing to Global Warming and other Climate Changes. Groups like Greenpeace and the Sierra club are more powerful. Their reps contact me on the edge of our flooded town on the day of the boat festival. See in the dream we have a boat festival instead of the rash of Friday night car shows we usually have in local towns around here. Sierra wants me to go after mom's collection of nature paintings which were dumped in the water throughout town by this massive truck. I go swimming through town and collecting mom's art in my arms and gently pushing it ahead and towards the edge of town.

I find that the truck is also throwing out papers and flyers into the water so I begin collecting the massive amount of paper waste. The reps cheer me on and I feel myself swallowing bad water as I collect the garbage on main street. I am surprised that I'm not sick from the bad water. As the truck leaves I push the ball of paper wastes after it towards the edge of town. I begin swimming to a waterscape in Venice, Italy as I awaken.

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