Friday, September 2, 2011

Ritual fire dancing, Burning Man, kittens dream

I just woke up an hour ago from a dream where I was leaping and dancing around and over a bonfire with the kittens. The fire would occasionally shoot out a shower of red sparks into the starry sky when a giant tree would collapse. We were dancing to keep the universe alive and moving, so the whole thing was quite ritual and tribal. I would often somersault and spin while leaping freakishly high up 9 feet and across 20 ft the way I used to before landing bowed down face-to-face with one of the kittens ringed around the fire. I initially thought this fiery dancing dream was inspired by watching the replay of this week's Great Performances on WSIU again before bedtime, where the Vienna ballet school admirably complemented Valery Gergiev and the Vienna Philharmonic Summer performance. I think now it may be because I was made aware of current ongoing Burning Man celebrations from watching twitter the other day and from listening to a Craig Ferguson joke about it just before passing out.

I also think now this ritual fire dancing dream probably was inspired by the Manuel de Falla gypsy dancing piece in El amor bruja. I've been anticipating watching more gypsy dancing on Classic Arts Showcase all week since we're a little culturally starved here from a life of poverty in the Sticks.

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