Friday, December 23, 2011

Asian contractor, deadly puzzles, jolly embalmer dreams

Dream diary update. My dreams lately have been real gruesome horror show stuff where I usually awaken alert at exactly 4:30 AM with my heart thumping. Wednesday morning I had a dream where I was helping North Korean spies and Chinese Security agents by performing autopsies on other Asians. Most of the corpses were fresh but not intact, of both sexes. I was basically an independent contractor they brought in to try and explain what killed them and tore them apart.

   Thursday morning I had a dream that was all puzzle boxes and deadly trick rooms. The puzzle boxes were different from the Hell-summoning puzzles from Clive Barker's Hellraiser series. Nevertheless there was something diabolic about them and the way they completely fascinated me. Much of the dream was about my careful studying of every detail. The trick rooms were much like the trick rooms in the Saw film series.

   Friday morning (today) I had a dream where I was an embalmer, presumably to handle the wet works from the previous dreams. This one wasn't that bad. I was happily married with a young daughter looking forwards to Christmas. Work was slow so in the dream I played cards a lot with the guys at work who ran the incinerator.

The idea behind this dream is a personal sense of cosmic irony I think. I'm not naturally gregarious. I don't have a family of my own other than a few cats that I take care of for my mom. Finally I don't plan on being embalmed myself or to pay for a full burial. I've always planned near the end to go off by myself in the woods and share myself with predators, ie cats snakes, wolves, and crows, etc.

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