Saturday, June 29, 2013

Black mambas, Fox and scorpion, tuatara lizard, de-extinction dreams

Addendum to the last post. After chatting with nephew I watched Classic Arts Showcase from 3-6 am. Then I passed out watching the Today Show. I dreamed about being trapped in a colony of sustainable living advocates. Eventually their use of new technology grew to be such a burden that I was literally hemmed in by Tech so that I was almost trapped. I was crawling past the Tech on the walls almost like when I went caving in the Grand Canyon, only I could see the sun and sky shining through overhead through the brilliant blue passive solar glass. When you go caving everything is pitch black and night critters are scurrying away from you. Anyway eventually I got some space after the sustainable living colony declined into a lower population. I was able to try out the new genetic modification device. It de-extincted plants and animals. I was trying to resurrect lizards when I brought back a brilliant iridescent green four-legged creature that was dog-sized, venomous and intelligent. It opened its mouth and hissed while shining one of its icy blue eyes at me. I could see a row of sharp fangs. Nevertheless, I tearfully embraced it. It was after the 6th great Mass Extinction Event, so any natural creatures were precious treasures. As I embraced him and we stared at each other he made this evil grin. Then I woke up.
   After waking up I recalled the fact that Nature had rerun their 2010 Black Mamba episode this week. I had several Black Mamba dreams after that, including one where I was performing a veterinary operation on one.

   I also remembered the Aesop parable about the Frog and the Mouse. Of course I remembered it as the African version that I reread more recently in an 1990s anthology of African writers. In that version it was a Fox and a Scorpion

I mused then that the venomous lizard I was embracing in my dream made no move to bite me.
   I was delighted later when I turned on Jeff Corwin's Ocean Mysteries on ABC this AM and found that he was also very excited about these tuatara lizards on Matiu Somes island off the coast of New Zealand. They reminded me very much of my dream-lizard. Corwin also searched out their favorite food the weta insect.

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