Saturday, June 29, 2013

College prep school, black mamba operation, PBS, grandmaw's tipple dreams

   Once again my dreams are a matter for the family chat room late night with my naturalist nephew. I had a dream Wed night about @PBSNature where I was operating on a Black mamba snake. It was a successful operation. Just now my dream was about college academic bureaucracy. Pretty tame stuff. My nephew says that he dreamed about one of my running jokes with him. I'm often referring to "grandmaw's tipple" when I joke with him, the bottles of wine my mother brings home and drinks every night. This week it turned out to be a big gallon jug of red wine. So now my nephew dreams about them. In the chat room this is shortened to "gmas tipple." The link to the @PBSNature episode about Black mambas is here. This chat log is mildly expurgated. I also removed the name of a local politician & family friend who dealt with a plagiarism charge.

[02:11:15]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:11:20]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
never got to bed lol
i just had an odd dream
[02:11:47]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
how's it goin
[02:12:04]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
another one huh
well i have a million of em
i also remember them 80% of the time when i wake up cuz its so fast
anyway in this dream my academic college record was in the toilet again
I took 3 of my journal papers and revised them to turn them in as my own work like I did for my first Master's thesis
a bunch of stuck up college preps met with me and looked at me calmly informing me smugly "That's plagiarism"
even tho my college adviser told me that it isnt
see they are fuckin arbitrary as hell about that "plagiarism" charge
they stick anybody they dont like with that one
[02:16:34]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
for example they tried to say that *local college president* plagiarized his doctorate paper
[02:17:09]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
they make sure to tell you over and over again that it's a big deal and they'll screw you for it, I know that
no evidence, they just somehow proved that he lifted some words from another paper without citing them properly
anyway it was a big deal and he had to pay 3 other professors to read his revised paper
somehow it always means that you pay off the 3 most stuck up asshole professors in the entire college system
that's what a bogus "plagiarism" charge means
[02:19:42]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
as usual it comes down to monnnnneeeeeehhhh I C
[02:19:50]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
The root of all evil
[02:19:52]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
for grad students it means you are kicked off campus
undergrads get suspended for up to 2 years
[02:20:30]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
yeah suspension and all that, that was always at least implied when they talked to me about it
I still think its applied to anyone a professor doesnt like
you know in some cases its like calling the pope a plagiarist because he lifts his best lines from the Bible
[02:21:54]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
sorry about school dreams : ( last thing I'd want to dream about
oh i dream about college shit all the time
considering my entire career was at college or in dead end jobs its a wonder it aint every night
i mean who wants to dream about wiping asses or cleaning grease traps?
so i dream about stuck up assholes in every form
if I had worked at the beach instead then id be dreaming about the beach every night
y ocean sunsets and sea turtles etc
[02:24:39]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
oh I see
[02:25:33]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
difference in dreaming tendencies, I guess. Mine are always at least apparently devoid of real-life context unless I think about it for some of them
[02:25:43]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
weird surreal shit
[02:26:08]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
beach dreams with turtles would be great lol
[02:26:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
space turtles
well i find it more disturbing that it was a group of 4 black alums who informed me that the plagiarism was going into my academic record
y space turtles
I prolly dream about that after watching @novapbs 2 nights in a row before bedtime
[02:27:52]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
fuck yeah nature
[02:28:03]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
they had the black mamba thing on again last night
oh y hes pretty
[02:28:31]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I kin share nature links if it'd help kick the college asshole dreams out
[02:28:45]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
haven't sent you the bugs in a long while etc
i dreamed about how they stuck a tube in his mouth and operated on him wednesday
sure go aghead
[02:29:28]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
he had pretty eyes
[02:30:15]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:30:31]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:30:34]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
y he did
[02:30:42]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
very much so
[02:31:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
that shit looked painful :( was glad they turned out to be functioning normally afterwards
oh y
[02:37:05]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
that dream discussion last night must have jump started the dream centers of my brain; finally had another. Gma gave me this bottle of what was ostensibly wine, but tasted more like tropical fruit juice. I proceeded to drift through time and space, and ended up in some far off city full of shoppers. Everyone was trying to sell me shit. I took another swig, and the stuff made me invisible. I therefore hid away from the crowds under a tree, and wondered why I didn't taste any alchohol or feel any related effects. As I looked down at my gut drowsily, my head merged inside of it and I briefly saw nothing but darkness. When I pulled my head out, this big woman was looking worriedly at me holding the bottle of whatever-the-fuck. I wanted it back from her, but she ran off with it.
[02:37:44]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
Not a very long dream
[02:38:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
Gma doesn't have any mysterious foreign possibly-magical fluids hiding amongst her tipple does she? lol
[02:42:07]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:43:56]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:48:05]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:48:10]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:49:01]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
The many legged ones and I wish you well w/ better dreams
thank you
for right now to take my mind off of dreams about college, I'm watching anime about college
this guy got flunked out into college prep school where he's making straight Es
i suppose its college prep overkill
[02:58:30]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]

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