Monday, November 29, 2010

HAL security system punk sci fi dream

Dream diary update. This dream I just had was like one of the 1980s punk sci fi indy-produced movies. In it a serial killer had stalked my friends and parents. My brother and I and our stepfather (we don't have one) were all that's left. Stepfather, played by Jonathan Pryce, kept his white collar job. My brother kept his construction job working a cement mixer. I kept my job working as an entertainer at the casino. My job had some new automated monsters chasing us naked while people ate and watched. It was becoming quite dangerous, especially for me. So after letting the monsters do their thing for awhile while dining gamblers watched, I finished my last shift and quit.  I picked up a couple of ladies working with me on the way out to double date with brother and I, a blond and a redhead. The dream got kind of dark and erotic at that point. We all had sex outside at the ancient ruins in one of the boroughs. Meanwhile stepfather arrived to our new condo and was rebuffed by the new security system he'd had installed to keep out the stalkers. He decided to spend the night at a five-star hotel and complain in the morning. We didn't know that most of the advanced automation in the city had started to become self-aware and plot killing their masters. That's a 1980s cyber-punk sci fi theme that I often dream about. After midnight sometime, my brother got nervous about the stalker. We decided to move the sex to our new condo. My brother and the girls were imprisoned by the new security system while I smoked outside. I noticed something was wrong when it wouldn't let me in so I short-circuited the door. The girls gratefully fled with us and we all left together for the hotel when I awoke. I immediately knew something had to wrong when the girls didn't hate us and blame us for everything bad that happened during the sex. That's why I woke myself up from the dream, even though the sex was quite good.

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