Thursday, January 20, 2011

Surreal street-fighting, Godhead, lost cat hitchhiking dreams

Dream diary update. I woke up from a nightmare about 25 minutes ago after sleeping in from the snowstorm all day. The nightmare wasn't terribly complicated and its more than made up for by my dreams yesterday. Even though I slept all day today I should have done it yesterday. Virtually all me dreams for 3 days before yesterday were either surreal or about street fighting.Yesterday was the good day and I dreamed about being a God-avatar stewarding a dream civilization of elves-Mayans. Only I slept poorly yesterday. Today I slept deeply all day with c-span on the TV. Unfortunately I just ended up dreaming about being lost hitchhiking and losing my Fluffy cat while idle people chattered about other peoples' health care insurance. Coincidentally yesterday she was quite happily sleeping with me and going outside a lot. Today Fluffy didn't stay on top of  me while I dreamed and she waited out the storm in the dark stairwell to my man-cave. Probably it was just me thrashing in my sleep that drove her off. Nevertheless I am tempted to infer a causal instead of a correlative relationship between having Fluffy sleep with me and dreams of Godhead

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