Friday, January 21, 2011

elemental battle, long marriage dream

Dream diary update. It was too cold in my man-cave for the cats, so I went upstairs to the couch to keep them company.I dreamed about an epic struggle. My side had 4 elemental deities and myself as sorcerer-leader. Theirs had armies of cavalry, archers, and catapults as well as a fortress wall. The fire deity was in the form of a beautiful nude woman made of flame, about 14 feet tall.

Being able to fly I had several tête-à-tête with my elemental avatar friends. I don't think they had effective short-range counters for us and I was able to hold off their long-range attacks.  I awoke briefly to find both cats curled up with me on the couch and mom reading in the recliner next to us. Later on I dreamed about being happily married but not being able to wake myself up once I became a widower late in life. I remember a lot of oak leaves blowing around at her funeral.

After burying my woman in September I eventually roused myself enough to awaken. I had that hypoxia headache from depressed respiration for a few minutes while I roused myself and the cats got up with me.

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