Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sliders, Zombie aflockalypse dream

I just had a dream that was like the old TV series "Sliders."

I used to have Sliders-type dreams all the time before Fox drove off the creator Tracy Tormé. The first two seasons of the show were hit-and-miss about a team of quantum reality travelers who were trapped in a series of alternate Earths and continually catching wormholes to keep traveling through the series. After Tormé left from creative differences I didn't like the show even though I'm sure it was good sci-fi action. Fox network didn't like the social commentary and Sci-Fi channel didn't care for the intellectual satire dialogues that I liked. Starting a trend TV executives turned star Jerry O'Connell from a humble scientist character like a Robert Heinlein hero into a sex item and weak action hero like the current sexy vampire craze. Nevertheless I still have dreams about the thing as a recurring motif even though I quit watching in the middle of season 3.
   Anyway the dream I had was about sliding into a parallel world with my companions and fighting a robot zombie aflockalypse. Apparently the varied robots were carriers of a zombie virus that was as bad as that seen in the Resident Evil series.

The flock of contagious robots sought to overrun a roadside cafe that we slid into at the end of the world. As usual I was the only one who could fight decently even though some other old-timers and terrified athletes were holding their own. They had to use advanced weapons while I took the zombies and infectious robots mostly with my rusty H2H. We went outside in the night to take the fight to the enemies. They almost had us with a proliferating wave of collie-sized robots with slapping infectious tentacles when I awoke.

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