Thursday, February 10, 2011

Celestial rotation, Music of the Spheres dream

Dream diary update. Despite the cold weather I decided to listen to my dream last night. While I didn't go on walkabout or to a country motel, I did shower and walk a couple of miles downtown later. It was quite cold at 11 degrees with a steep wind chill and snowing. I felt much better from the exercise. I had an early sup with parents and passed out at 7:15 pm even before Dad usually does  About 11:30 pm I awoke with the arthritis in my ankle gone and Fluffy on top of me again. She's on top of me now. I think the physical contact has something to do with keeping both of us healthy. Anyway it took me 3 min of focused meditation to extract dream details this time so it was a deep sleep. The dream was about being part of a celestial rotation toy. I would rotate around and the celestial sphere would rotate with me in a kaleidoscope. When I looked up I could see the stars rotating around the axis. My arms could extend out into spinning ribbons that could ride the wind turbulence in compass cardinal directions. I consider this recurring dream theme to be a Music of the Spheres-type, even though there was no musical composition accompaniment and just a deep resonant rhythm this time.

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