Monday, September 19, 2011

Lady Gaga, sex, physical horror dreams

   Dream diary update I forget to mention in my recent post that there is another song rattling around my sleeping noggin besides Jackie Evancho's "Dark Waltz." Its Lady Gaga's SNL performance of "Edge of Glory" X "Judas" that I also heard the replay from this past Saturday night.

So those two replays are both knocking around up there. I just dreamed about the Gaga song again while napping this afternoon. The first time for dreaming with the Gaga mix was after 3 AM on Sunday.
   Now that I'm here I might as well post my new PC desktop pic as well. Its too NSFW for direct twitter share or my cussin' tumblr blogs, so I'm posting it here in the dream diary where I put my randy stuff.
   Since I can look at this stuff all day, it might make sense that I have too many sex dreams lately. Strangely though I wasn't looking at it before yesterday. The sex dreams were triggered by watching a crapload of deviant sex monster movies with my nephew. He gave me 3 sex-horror file shares to watch last week. I watched Brian Yuzna's "The Dentist" with his disturbing sex delusions and David Cronenberg's "Rabid"starring famous porn star Marilyn Chambers in numerous topless scenes feeding.

I haven't watched Cronenberg's "Shivers," a.k.a. "Orgy of the Blood Parasites," yet, but we both discussed it at length along with watching previews and a gag reel
I also went back to look at some more Asian sex-horror stuff this weekend while nephew kept on the Cronenberg stuff, so it didn't end there. Last night I watched Off Beat Cinema on RTV where they featured "Bride of the Gorilla." Meanwhile my nephew watched "Matango." Seems the sex-horror theme just kept going on and on this weekend. That's why my dreams turned hardcore last week and stayed in the gutter this week, despite the musical accompaniments.

1 comment:

  1. One might first assume that all this deviant sex-dream stuff is just filth. That is mistaken. I was inspired yesterday through wiki readings of literary criticism to check out some books at the library about it. I plan soon to look up an acclaimed novel "The Sparrow" and its sequel "Children of God" Both novels together won the Gaylactic Spectrum award for transgender sex writings. So there is actually some creative process at work here, and not merely Boschian nightmares.
