Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mad scientist, mystical technology, cat boy, death angel, send in the clowns dreams

   Dream diary update. Perhaps its the wild weather lately? I've been having lots of unusual dreams & interrupted sleeping. Part of it is that one or both of the cats usually accompanies while asleep me in bed or in the living room.
   Friday morning I had a dream about mastering a fiendish technology that could summon mystical power. I wasn't the only one who possessed the tech. It had become quite common in society but I took it to the next level. Many agents were out to get my prized lab experiment setup. After fighting for hours I fooled them by leaving it outside my apartment building hallway sort of hidden out in the open in a communal rooftop garden. I finally reached it after being tortured inside my apartment. I had managed to surprise my torturers, killing them all. I activated my garden lab equipment as the soldiers came running from the stairway. The outside became filled with darkness & thunder as my instrument circuits warmed a green glow. I was getting ready to annihilate them as I awoke.
   Saturday morning I fell asleep with Swirly cat. I dreamed silly dreams about having cat ears and a tail & talking to girls. Sunday morning (today) I fell asleep rocking Swirly cat in the living room recliner. I woke up listening to Classic Arts Showcase on tv & with both cats showering me with affection for spoiling them. CAS was playing Glenn Close singing "Send in the Clowns" again. It had become incorporated into my dream. I dreamed I was an angel of death whose fondest wish was to become something else in place of my eternal vigil. At the end of the dream I got my wish granted from the boss. I was transforming into a clown & I thought at first that they had tricked me into losing my immortality to become a Fool. But then I started laughing and everything became all right again as I awoke.

   The odd thing about this one is that as soon as I awoke, Swirly cat got up from my lap on her hind paws & kissed me on the lips. Then her brother Sticky cat came up behind us & started singing & making happy mewling sounds. I ended up passing out in the rocker again until sunrise.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

physical injury, clairvoyance, air walking, controlled lightning, meditation dreams

   Dream diary update. I had some nightmares 2 weeks ago when I had mild back muscle injuries from work & hand scratches from the cat. Lately my dreams have been extremely pleasant as my health improves. I notice that I am losing quite a bit of fat. As my body becomes leaner my serum testosterone goes up so the process is cyclical. It improves my overall mood substantially when I can stay aroused for hours. It also helps my insomnia.
   On Saturday night I had dreams about walking on air. The dreams were quite vivid as I could feel the gusts of air & physical pressure of the cloudy air beneath my tread. Last night (Tuesday) I had dreams about controlling the bolts of lightning shooting out from my fingertips. I awoke this morning in a state of heightened awareness, similar to my remote viewing & prescience meditative trances. As usual in such situations, I felt myself compelled to perform certain specific actions & investigations, though they did not manifest until later in the day. I believe that I have probably been meditating in my sleep, even though I thought I had given up on such religious practices.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Venus superstorm, wild forest critters, lost cat dreams

Well one month has come and gone and its about time for another dream diary entry. I haven't been trying to do anything but keep track of myself & my cats when I wake up. Consequently, I haven't been noting very many details about my dreams upon awakening.
   On Saturday mid-mornings & Wednesday nights I often watch a ton of nature videos. This Wednesday was no exception. So I had many peaceful dreams this past Wednesday night about living with talking critters & forest spirits. These nature dreams were remarkable in their color & clarity, far beyond what is currently offered in VR tech for example. I thought I was really there.
   On Thursday night I dreamed about supertyphoon Haiyan & about the superstorm multivortex that rages perpetually at Venus' south pole. The two are linked in my mind & I am trying to understand why. That is why I am regarding those 2 dreams as Prognostications rather than as dream interpretations. Many real scientific & mathematical discoveries began with vivid drams by brilliant people. Ours is not to understand why.
   Last cat when I came home from visiting the nephews & picnicking at Ferne Clyffe, there were people from the road & the library parking lot next door shining lights into our Backyard Jungle to spot the deer there. It was around 8 pm. Since the deer were there 2 days in a row, I became concerned about the bobcat that dad saw on Thursday coming around again. I don't want to lose another cat after 4 disappeared last year. So after waking up & passing out again after 2 am, I dreamed that Sticky cat was missing and that I couldn't find him. When I awoke again briefly around 7 am, he knocked on my bedroom door & I sat up to let him in. I was very relieved to see him hale and fit.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Climate Change, apocalypse, refugees, ghost hunt, dermatome, demon hunter, cat squirrel, family values dream

   Dream Diary update. I skipped last month's entry. I had almost decided to abandon this blog. Not only did I not want to remember my dreams but I almost gave up on my prognostications on tumblr. I just had another doozy tho, so I am writing about it here.
   Basically in this dream I was part of a group of young refugees sort of as their sempai. We were living in a community together in another post-apocalyptic society. I think perhaps the global ocean had raised 20 ft and climate change desertification with toxic chemical waste added had reached 76% of the land surface. Africa and the Amazon rain forests was obliterated. We took refuge in a lot of urban jungles. Shopping malls were turned into communal living spaces.
   My job in society wasn't merely as mentor to new refugees. I was as a sort of ghost-killer. I took the dermatome and other instruments that our mentors gave me and I sliced any ghost that I found among the refugees to ribbons, until either they gave up or else their demon brains exploded. It was a grisly job and I had to keep it secret from our social orders.

   Anyway what happened was I got very tired of a slasher horror show happening every time they told me to sneak away at night to battle monsters. I found a ghost among this group of young folks I was transporting. It was a young tall black fellow with almost no hair on his head. I got him to play games with us on the train. He seemed like a nice fellow at first. I asked my spectral superiors if I could just let this one go but they refused. The demon seemed to recognize that I was going to take him down. He created a barrier so that the others could not see us fighting on the train. I beat him and almost had his brain slashed open with my ghostly dermatome when I awoke.
   In real life the cats had brought a squirrel in to my room to eat it. Sticky cat hid given up on his anorexia from yesterday and was happily munching on a leg.  I didn't want to interrupt him, but I don't like them to make big messes in our room. So I picked up the dead squirrel and I set him on the back porch with Sticky cat and a bowl of water. Swirly cat soon followed her brother outside. I think she was the one who had brought the squirrel in to feed her hungry brother cat. nom nom nom

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Leap Day William, Nelson Mandela, American oil & gas extractivism, heat wave, Tina Fey, sexy Tango dream

Dream Diary Update. I went to sleep with the door next to my bed open and tv on ABC. I set the fan in the doorway and my leg on top of the fan because I find that it discourages the coons from coming in past me to get the cat food. I doubt I need to elaborate why I have to keep my door ajar with a fan since there is a massive heat wave raging on multiple continents right now. To paraphrase the @nbcnightlynews meteorologist roaming outside in NYC Central Park West, "A lot of Americans I spoke with in the beginning didn't know what a Heat Dome was. Well, They all know it now!" When I woke up I could hear the coon snuffling & grunting around my door near my feet so I closed it.
    I seem to remember waking up once or twice after listening to Jimmy Kimmel's monologue to watch snippets of 30 Rock reruns that ABC puts on late at night. Specifically I watched parts of an episode about Leap Day.  Jim Carrey played a character called Leap Day William.

Right now they have on Classic Arts Showcase (CAS). This German symphony was playing the Tango.

   That background explains some of my dream elements. See, I just dreamed that Nelson Mandela came out of South Africa to hide a scandal for his country, that he secretly longed for revenge against the American Oil & Gas Industry. One of Mandela's more radical followers had hatched a scheme that Tina Fey's character from 30 Rock had foiled & they sent Mandela personally to do some diplomatic damage control.
After Mandela came out and leered at us while spinning yarns to the black tie party, I tangoed with Tina Fey down the street all the way up to my nephews' apartment. Then I woke up listening to Tango music and snuffling coons at my feet. That might explain some of the more surreal elements of my dream, as well as the sexy office Tango bonus I received at the end there.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Black mambas, Fox and scorpion, tuatara lizard, de-extinction dreams

Addendum to the last post. After chatting with nephew I watched Classic Arts Showcase from 3-6 am. Then I passed out watching the Today Show. I dreamed about being trapped in a colony of sustainable living advocates. Eventually their use of new technology grew to be such a burden that I was literally hemmed in by Tech so that I was almost trapped. I was crawling past the Tech on the walls almost like when I went caving in the Grand Canyon, only I could see the sun and sky shining through overhead through the brilliant blue passive solar glass. When you go caving everything is pitch black and night critters are scurrying away from you. Anyway eventually I got some space after the sustainable living colony declined into a lower population. I was able to try out the new genetic modification device. It de-extincted plants and animals. I was trying to resurrect lizards when I brought back a brilliant iridescent green four-legged creature that was dog-sized, venomous and intelligent. It opened its mouth and hissed while shining one of its icy blue eyes at me. I could see a row of sharp fangs. Nevertheless, I tearfully embraced it. It was after the 6th great Mass Extinction Event, so any natural creatures were precious treasures. As I embraced him and we stared at each other he made this evil grin. Then I woke up.
   After waking up I recalled the fact that Nature had rerun their 2010 Black Mamba episode this week. I had several Black Mamba dreams after that, including one where I was performing a veterinary operation on one.

   I also remembered the Aesop parable about the Frog and the Mouse. Of course I remembered it as the African version that I reread more recently in an 1990s anthology of African writers. In that version it was a Fox and a Scorpion

I mused then that the venomous lizard I was embracing in my dream made no move to bite me.
   I was delighted later when I turned on Jeff Corwin's Ocean Mysteries on ABC this AM and found that he was also very excited about these tuatara lizards on Matiu Somes island off the coast of New Zealand. They reminded me very much of my dream-lizard. Corwin also searched out their favorite food the weta insect.

College prep school, black mamba operation, PBS, grandmaw's tipple dreams

   Once again my dreams are a matter for the family chat room late night with my naturalist nephew. I had a dream Wed night about @PBSNature where I was operating on a Black mamba snake. It was a successful operation. Just now my dream was about college academic bureaucracy. Pretty tame stuff. My nephew says that he dreamed about one of my running jokes with him. I'm often referring to "grandmaw's tipple" when I joke with him, the bottles of wine my mother brings home and drinks every night. This week it turned out to be a big gallon jug of red wine. So now my nephew dreams about them. In the chat room this is shortened to "gmas tipple." The link to the @PBSNature episode about Black mambas is here. This chat log is mildly expurgated. I also removed the name of a local politician & family friend who dealt with a plagiarism charge.

[02:11:15]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:11:20]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
never got to bed lol
i just had an odd dream
[02:11:47]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
how's it goin
[02:12:04]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
another one huh
well i have a million of em
i also remember them 80% of the time when i wake up cuz its so fast
anyway in this dream my academic college record was in the toilet again
I took 3 of my journal papers and revised them to turn them in as my own work like I did for my first Master's thesis
a bunch of stuck up college preps met with me and looked at me calmly informing me smugly "That's plagiarism"
even tho my college adviser told me that it isnt
see they are fuckin arbitrary as hell about that "plagiarism" charge
they stick anybody they dont like with that one
[02:16:34]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
for example they tried to say that *local college president* plagiarized his doctorate paper
[02:17:09]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
they make sure to tell you over and over again that it's a big deal and they'll screw you for it, I know that
no evidence, they just somehow proved that he lifted some words from another paper without citing them properly
anyway it was a big deal and he had to pay 3 other professors to read his revised paper
somehow it always means that you pay off the 3 most stuck up asshole professors in the entire college system
that's what a bogus "plagiarism" charge means
[02:19:42]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
as usual it comes down to monnnnneeeeeehhhh I C
[02:19:50]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
The root of all evil
[02:19:52]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
for grad students it means you are kicked off campus
undergrads get suspended for up to 2 years
[02:20:30]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
yeah suspension and all that, that was always at least implied when they talked to me about it
I still think its applied to anyone a professor doesnt like
you know in some cases its like calling the pope a plagiarist because he lifts his best lines from the Bible
[02:21:54]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
sorry about school dreams : ( last thing I'd want to dream about
oh i dream about college shit all the time
considering my entire career was at college or in dead end jobs its a wonder it aint every night
i mean who wants to dream about wiping asses or cleaning grease traps?
so i dream about stuck up assholes in every form
if I had worked at the beach instead then id be dreaming about the beach every night
y ocean sunsets and sea turtles etc
[02:24:39]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
oh I see
[02:25:33]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
difference in dreaming tendencies, I guess. Mine are always at least apparently devoid of real-life context unless I think about it for some of them
[02:25:43]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
weird surreal shit
[02:26:08]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
beach dreams with turtles would be great lol
[02:26:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
space turtles
well i find it more disturbing that it was a group of 4 black alums who informed me that the plagiarism was going into my academic record
y space turtles
I prolly dream about that after watching @novapbs 2 nights in a row before bedtime
[02:27:52]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
fuck yeah nature
[02:28:03]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
they had the black mamba thing on again last night
oh y hes pretty
[02:28:31]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I kin share nature links if it'd help kick the college asshole dreams out
[02:28:45]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
haven't sent you the bugs in a long while etc
i dreamed about how they stuck a tube in his mouth and operated on him wednesday
sure go aghead
[02:29:28]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
he had pretty eyes
[02:30:15]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:30:31]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:30:34]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
y he did
[02:30:42]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
very much so
[02:31:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
that shit looked painful :( was glad they turned out to be functioning normally afterwards
oh y
[02:37:05]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
that dream discussion last night must have jump started the dream centers of my brain; finally had another. Gma gave me this bottle of what was ostensibly wine, but tasted more like tropical fruit juice. I proceeded to drift through time and space, and ended up in some far off city full of shoppers. Everyone was trying to sell me shit. I took another swig, and the stuff made me invisible. I therefore hid away from the crowds under a tree, and wondered why I didn't taste any alchohol or feel any related effects. As I looked down at my gut drowsily, my head merged inside of it and I briefly saw nothing but darkness. When I pulled my head out, this big woman was looking worriedly at me holding the bottle of whatever-the-fuck. I wanted it back from her, but she ran off with it.
[02:37:44]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
Not a very long dream
[02:38:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
Gma doesn't have any mysterious foreign possibly-magical fluids hiding amongst her tipple does she? lol
[02:42:07]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:43:56]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:48:05]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:48:10]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[02:49:01]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
The many legged ones and I wish you well w/ better dreams
thank you
for right now to take my mind off of dreams about college, I'm watching anime about college
this guy got flunked out into college prep school where he's making straight Es
i suppose its college prep overkill
[02:58:30]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time Stop & Climate Change dreams via chat log w/ my naturalist nephew

you know swirly caught a bird this morning and tried to eat him in here
[13:56:57]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
lol mighty huntress!
she let him go and used my bed as a trampoline to catch him again
[13:57:14]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
day by day she grows in skill in powah
[13:57:23]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
we are amazed at her prowess purr
y its true
[13:57:41]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
lol don't let it get loose in the house warrior princess
tampoline skills
[00:35:23]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
hi guys
[00:43:45]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I'm up at midnight again X_X
[00:43:48]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
so's joe
ive been having a superweird dream
[00:44:02]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[00:44:05]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
[00:44:11]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
are always odd
i was stuck in a time stop and kept reliving two minutest agan
reliving two minutes
[00:45:04]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
O_O that would get torturous fast
 only they kept changing and these mafia guy kept coming to kill us
in the end i chose life and light instead of darkness and kept arguing with them that they shouldnt kill me
they were members of the cops mafia
you know crooked cops
i was a physician who wanted to save everybody
i kept wanting to kill everybody but if i did that then id be stuck in the time loop forever
[00:49:01]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
so i lengthened the time loop to 3 minutes by trying to save everybody even tho they were intending to kill me
at the end of 3 minutes i had taken 2 bullets and fought them off while explaining why they shouldnt kill me for exposing them
also i saved one of their number who had gone down in the firefight
i was in the corner applying tourniquets and arguing with him when i woke up
[00:54:13]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
that's pretty strange lol the more people you keep from dying the more time you get but you'd need more than a few mins to save them I would think.
[01:02:01]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I've been mostly dreamless lately, kinda strange really. I had one REALLY funky climate change/dystopia/death related one a couple months ago and can't remember having any after that
[01:10:13]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
I was on wolf creek. The power plant on lake of egypt had become a massive supercomplex of smog spewing factories and other assorted industrial buildings. We were all trapped there; crowds of despondent people lined the water's edge dressed in rags. I went to the end where the cars usually turned around, and this weird robed guy was holding a dead girl. He looked at me and said some weird mumbly stuff, then knelt down next to the water. The girl's body turned to oily sludge and drained into the water. End dream, tho thinking back I wonder if the line of people were those waiting to be transformed and emptied into the lake
[01:10:34]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
it freaked me out a little
[01:10:52]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
same day you told me about those rednecks who shot a circus elephant IIRC
[01:11:08]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
haven't had much since then
[01:11:16]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
lol it's a little morbid sorry
[01:11:51]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19ed:8439]
anyway I'm no dream interpreter so can't help you there
oh well i usually have time stop dreams when im mediatating
I suspect it was because I was forcing myself to stay on my left side all night to void rolling on kitties
they come and go from my bed at night you see
When I passed out Sticky was sleeping in front of me while Swirly kept jumping up to tampoline on my bed

I said that I was laying on my left side to avoid rolling over onto kittens in bed.In truth I was laying on my RIGHT side. I have to meditate while asleep to stay on my RIGHT side because I favor the left. If I don't do this then I frequently thrash around and damage the wall.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Braman, yoga injury, wheel of fire, Green Man, Apparition, Library Apocalypse dreams

Dream diary update. This is the first entry I have made on CrapboxReloaded. The old power supply on Crapbox died and the boys helped me get reconnected on this newer device. On Wednesday 5/8 I began having dreams that involved more movements and sleepwalking. I can tell when my sleeping spinal block is partially inactive every 6 weeks or so. Wednesday's dreaming was harmless. I had Brahman-type Vedic dreams about creation & discipline while I could feel my body practicing some yoga moves. Sure enough I woke up sore on Thursday.

   I fell asleep upstairs Thursday 5/9 afternoon while holding Swirly kitten on the couch and after I woke up I noticed that I couldn't walk anymore. Its possible that I may have vaulted from the couch to leap awake at some point either Wednesday or Thursday. I don't remember it well. Anyway I had a medium strain in my lower back muscles that contorted my posture and made it very painful to get up for the past 4 days. I only just now got full functioning & ROM, although I expect the discomfort when my spinal pressure rises as I stand to continue for a few days.
   On Friday 5/10 I dreamed I was the Green Man again. I turned a few people into trees before turning into a soaring eagle in mid-air. I woke up while dreaming that I was flying a great loop until I was upside down.

   On Saturday 5/11 I dreamed about being a bodiless apparition or blue vapor who moved from room to room interacting with other higher dimensional entities. I wondered if this dream was related to my injury or to the muscle relaxant med that dad gave me. I've been taking them once per day at noon and they cause me to drop off into a disturbed nap.

   This morning (Sunday 5/12) I had another wild dream that was filled with religious imagery. This time it was more Judeo-Christian than Wednesday's Hindu dreams. Instead of dreaming about a wheel of fire or reincarnation, I dreamed that the 'end times' apocalypse was at hand. Instead of being a floating apparition moving room to room like yesterday (Saturday, 5/11), I dreamed up a new physical identity who similarly moved from room to room as the dream progressed. I was helping a group of monks try to save sacred scriptures and testaments in each room as the leader of the demons attacked with his minions. I read the scriptures as I visited each room talking to the monks. They were profoundly Christian but included some discussion of Babylonian deities and naming demons. We were losing against the latest demon attack. I was pinned against the ceiling & enveloped by blue flames as parchment smoldered & flew everywhere like a swarm of fiery bees. The flames reached my eyes blinding me as I awoke. I mused on how religious my dreams have been getting lately when religion plays so small a part of my waking life. I had an urge to watch religious satire anime, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, which I found mildly amusing.  I briefly considered and rejected attending Mother's Day services with mom at her Methodist haunt.

   Interpretation: It is not unusual for me to have apocalyptic dreams after injuring myself in my sleep. However, the blue flames, Green Man. ivy, and other nature images suggest that it may be related to Wednesday's announcement that global carbon dioxide reached 400 ppm. Thursday's PBS Newshour announced that that is the highest it has been in 3M years. All the coastal state Senators I watched on cspan this week were speaking about how their states will be ruined by between 2050 and 2100. Both California senators claimed that their state will be a desert. Senator Whitehouse of Rhode Island claimed that vast swaths of the East coast will soon be underwater. So the apocalypse dreams are probably because of that disturbing announcement. I spoke with my brother about it briefly yesterday. As to why the dreams are so religious is anyone's guess. I am a hard agnostic humanist while awake. I like to say that no human could possibly have it right.
   As to why I've been dreaming about Vedas or sacred texts. This week I heard the results of a long term study about the effects of heavy internet usage on child development. The researchers claimed that lack of human interaction led to stunted language development for babies born since 2000 (Millennial babies.) Conclusions Quote: "Heavy usage of devices (ie babysitter tvs) led to a scarcity in polyglots and the Internet is 'Shredding' basic reading skills." I especially remember that word 'Shredding' by the early internet usage. Since I grew up in libraries sleeping and reading, I know how important they are to secondary education. I may be no true polyglot, but I can read at 300+ words per minute. That has enhanced my internet experience. It seems that most Millennials want a more stimulative medium or VR interface. That will harm their chances at traditional education. More importantly, they will even be unfamiliar with the concept of sacred texts since text outside of txting & tweeting would seem completely unnecessary to them.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Bletchley Circle, PBS, Jason Vorhees, killer cops, eugenics, harem, The Devil, forest gods, transmogrification of the soul dreams

   I just had an odd dream about a program playing on my TV. I had left it running on PBS when I passed out after 10:30 pm. The program was a rerun of "The Bletchley Circle." Somehow the program elements had become incorporated in my dream. Perhaps I remembered the program from another night such as Sunday night, when I left it on PBS all evening while I concentrated on my web browsing?
   Anyway, I am depressed enough about most of my animals disappearing last week that I had a dream about a horror subject. Lately I have been thinking that they were taken by coyotes/dogs, probably to appease the forest god who loves white offerings. I woke up in time to watch most of the TV program. Here is my dream described via chat log:
awakr again
I just had a dream that was like the very devil
I was Jason Vorhees with a harem practicing eugenics
I had somehow gotten all these women picked out to carry my children and ensnared them in my devilish plot to conceive
They all met with me and we entered an underground maze together
I was wearing a police/SS Nazi uniform
we all got lost in the maze even though we tried severasl things to not lose one another
I wouldnt hurt the women only because they were to become mothers to one of my ch0ildren
finally my plot was underway and the women were talking about how each of them met me
one of the women had met me while I was in prison
it was her job to move me around and she had made a mistake and temporarily put me in the italian arts library instead of the german one
[03:25:07]     [Dirk Diddly] is offline
after one week she moved me to where she had intended at the prison german library
italian is the language of passion so she knew that it would have inflamed me and it did
[03:26:59]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly] is online
another 'wife' had a plan to have a child during the war but she couldnt conceive
she knew from praying that she could conceive with only me
the women shared their stories with one another of how I had ensnared them in my devilish eugenics plot while I was lost in the maze
I finally stumbled across  a room with the 2 oldest women
they spoke with me about materialism and spiritual values while I conceded to them that I might have a soul and that there is probably life after death
and then we all woke up
it was the harshest dream ive had for a week
Im watching pbs
They have a WWII detective story on with spooky music
The Bletchley Circle

   So basically I had a dream about being an amorous Jason Vorhees and also a killer cop wearing a Nazi cop uniform. I started by trying to convince young women to conceive my children and ended up by arguing with the two oldest ones about whether the Devil has a soul or not. It turned out that he does. Somehow my soul had ended up by transmogrifying into an intangible devil himself. I was arguing with two wise old female ghosts about the nature of things before I took them to Hell. Then I woke up.
   It turned out that the women I was dreaming about were supposed to be characters from "The Bletchley Circle." Both of my remaining 2 cats were gone, although the girl cat Swirly came to knock on my outside door by my bed when she noticed I was awake.Sticky cat is still AWOL, although I am hopeful the coyotes or wolves did not get him. Probably my cats being away from the bed and not watching me made me feel lonely in my sleep. The forest gods taking my animals had me dreaming about murderers. That accounts for most of the dream elements. The only unexplained ones were about The Devil having a soul. Perhaps this part was an philosophical argument I was having with myself? It reminds me of dreams I used to have while sleeping in libraries. Back then I used to always dream there being a Ghost in the Machine. The dream had elements from both "The Golem" and "Faust" Typical library dreams for me.

The Nazi eugenics part of the dream no doubt has something to do with what I suspect that Monsanto and the US government are up to together. They want to genetically engineer US children so that they can survive the coming Millennium.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Guest dream post by my naturalist nephew (Dirk Diddly): Climate Change apocalypse in 2100, from Iran to Illinois

   My Naturalist nephew & I have been chatting and meeting more regularly since we attended the Southern Illinois Biodiversity Conference 2 weeks ago. James Hansen retired from NASA last Wednesday to focus around the PR problem of convincing the US public in the polls that climate change matters as an national issue as well as internationally. Most of them apparently consider it even more abstractly than they do the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty with southeast Asia. Nevertheless it is these two polarizing problems that are seated on either side of the Keystone XL oil pipeline Politics. In order for the US to take part in 21st century Climate Change mitigation and prosecution of corporate eco-criminals, the TPP treaty must fail. And in order for the TPP to succeed, the Canadian tar sands development and other fossil fuel project decisions must not take into account "environmental externalities" the biggest one being Climate Change. They are both competitive and mutually exclusive with one another. Consequently the latest environmental tumblr blog I am looking at is "Neoliberalism-Kills" after the secret terms of the TPP that have Western governments murdering their own future citizens through non-enforcement of environmental crimes. My nephew knows my strong positions on the matter, so that has probably affected his dreams. I wiped my own chat log from Saturday so this is a copy of his chat.

[06:40:00]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[06:40:12]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
good anime
[07:46:09]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[10:03:20]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[10:05:33]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[10:10:01]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[10:25:29]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[11:11:42] >>
[12:16:44]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
there is a disturbing similarity between these 2 articles
[12:16:47]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[12:16:58]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
what the wired vs the breitbart?
[13:02:20]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
I don't even want to click on the breitbart shit lol
[13:03:24]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[13:03:34]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
im the last 2 replies
[13:05:49]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
oops the conservative white supremacists are trolling it now
[13:05:54]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[11:11:42] >>    yan-brotherhood-can%E2%80%99t-be-racist-because-they-have-mexican-friends
they sound just like yahoo answers trolls
[13:08:04]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
sure they troll anything that looks 'Liberal' to them
[13:08:25]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
whether gay or black or mexican or abortion etc
[13:08:52]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
that worst ones that I read these days are on WGNNews
lol this wonkette mag looks cool
[13:09:34]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
there's some heinous gangster racists trolling Tribune corp news for being too liberal
I like the catwoman logo
[13:09:44]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
occasionally they troll McClatchy too
[13:10:22]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
sure wonkette is cool but she also has to do a lot of retractions because of her heavy reliance on social media
[13:10:44]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
nearly 100% of her news sources are online
[13:11:06]     [oldParasiteSingle
[11:11:42] >>    -]
i consider her a reliable conservative media critic tho
[13:11:24]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
if she wants to troll then I say go ahead
[13:13:24]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
Drudge report needs some major asskicking too
[13:14:03]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[13:15:07]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
Jan 19, 1998 will live in internet infamy as the day pictures of Monica Lewensky's cum-stained dress from the oval office was posted on Drudge Report
[13:15:47]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
ever since then 80% of internet trolls have been conservatives with a boner
I had another odd dream about us being in weird places last night
We were some years into a future wrecked by climate change
The northeastern US west to Illinois had renamed itself to Iran and had a permenant desert climate
We were walking from Missouri, which was only sl
[11:11:42] >>    ightly less deserted and fucked up, into the new Iran for reasons unknown
We walked many miles, cars were outlawed b/c of their climate change contribution tho we still saw them occasionally driven of course by rich pigs
They had stations set up every 20 miles or so for wayfarers equipped with stagnant water to drink and rudimentary restrooms
We were mostly the only ones on the road, others rarely left their homes
We made it all the way to central illinois or so to an airport where we planned to immigrate to more hospitible country
but when we got there you started walking back and said you'd rather walk back for some reason
end of dream lol
didn't make much sense
[17:20:36]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
actually it does kind of
[17:21:17]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
I told you about Skilling/fermilab predictions right?
[17:22:02]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
Friday he said that Illinois climate in 2100 would be like East Texas in the summer and Chicago would be like Reading, PA in the winter
[17:22:32]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
that means itll be hotter than hell with a snow dump in the winter but almost no rain
[17:23:11]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
we will still be able to farm probably with irrigation and aquaculture
already seems to be getting there
[17:23:18]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
that's about how I would describe the last coupla years
[17:24:16]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
anyway your dream suggests that we would be climate change refugees from the oppressive desertification, but that I would want to turn back to my only home once you are safe
IDK I would want to leave if half the country became Iran and turned into a rocky desert wasteland XD
[17:25:12]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
its only natural you would think that way since I traveled extensively for a few years bef
[11:11:42] >>    ore coming back to stay
[17:25:51]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
actually Iran isnt a wasteland like north africa
[17:26:36]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
It probably will be some ind of no mans land after 2100 but itll be one of the last Middle East countriies to do so
[17:27:15]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
Pakistan and Afghanistan along with India will be unholy hells tho
[17:27:43]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
Iran has extensive farming and more arqable land than Israel
I need to brush up on geography
[17:29:06]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[17:29:27]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[17:30:09]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[17:30:13]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
come to think of it the rehydration stations were just ol
[11:11:42] >>    d battered rest stops lolol
for some reason they were the only places left on the road with any water
I don't suppose that's really gonna be how it is
but things will be fucked up at this rate for sure
and we HAVE been having severe droughts
other parts of the us even more so
[17:34:51]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[17:35:00]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
[17:35:21]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
thats what our summers will be like circa 2100
60 inches of rainfall
and warmer winters
[17:36:38]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
lol texas emits the most greenhouse gases in the us
[17:37:15]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
however we will be more vulnerable to atmospheric oscillations and drought than east texas
I did not know that o-o
[17:37:36]     [oldParasi
[11:11:42] >>    teSingle -]
I suppose it's BIG
thought it'd be ny or st
[17:37:54]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
thats where most of the oil refineries are
[17:38:23]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
power plants & cars make a lot but refineries make the most
[17:39:13]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
technically I believe agriculture makes that most GHG but we cant reduce those too much w/o mass starvation
hmmmm you know I should come over or st
[17:39:44]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
Texas also has a lot of beef and agriculture
done with biz for the day
it's nice out
[17:40:03]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
per pound cows make the most GHG of any agricultural produuct
we could walk down to FF for junk and pet kitties in what's left of the day's sun
[17:40:21]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
they waste a hell of a lot of land and water too
LOL cows n t
[11:11:42] >>    heir methane
y I fucking know
domesticated animals wreck shit
farmers go apeshit about large predators
[17:41:36]     [oldParasiteSingle -]
brb i have to visit the medicine cabinet
y agri stuff messes lots with the environment
ferilizer in our rivers

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Equinox, Old Ones, vampire queen, liche priest, animals, nature, sunlight dreams

   Dream diary update. I usually expect weird disturbing dreams on the equinox and this time was no exception. Perhaps the oddest thing was really that my disabled naturalist nephew had dreams about being caught by a tentacled deep sea creature. One of HP Lovecraft's Old Ones no doubt, although he put it in context of sea life anatomy. Chat log:

[14:37:24]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I had a really weird "dream". I could swear I was basically awake, but I could not move and I saw this huge gelatinous tentacled creature advance upon me and caress me with its tentacles
[14:37:33]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
it freaked me the fuck out
[14:37:50]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
but when I "woke" up there was no change of scenery
[14:37:58]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
the creature just disappeared
[14:39:09]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I'm not sure if I was awake and still in a dream state at the same time somehow or if I just happened to dream that I was laying in the recliner facing the kitchen in exactly the way I actually was during the dream
[14:39:13]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
no way to tell
[14:39:29]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
It was a WEIRD fuckin creature
[14:40:34]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
its tentacles were like lampreys and it was glowy blue, looked like one of those big assed siphonohores tryin to wrap itself around my head
[14:41:52]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
thats a nice equinox dream
my equinox dream was odd too

   Well, I didn't tell him my equinox dream. Its because it was a disturbing gender bender one. I dreamed I was a character from one of my favorite anime, Saya from Blood+. She's a vampire hunter queen with a sword. Also I dreamed that we (her assistant Chevalier, Haji, and I) were trapped in a cell deep underground with only candlelight to illuminate our attempts to escape. We were fighting all types of undead, not just vampires. There wasn't any time for food or sex. I was about to surrender to the liche priest when I awoke. It was just 1 hour before the equinox at 6:02 AM CDT. I'm not much of a gamer but my nephews are constantly reminding me about how tough they are whenever I talk to them about Baldur's Gate and other games we used to play together.

   My other dreams during the equinox were last night and they were mostly nature, animals, animal spirits, and sunlight. I woke after midnight concerned about my animal friends and the cats all glommed me after I came downstairs to blog in bed.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ash, Yew crown, Harvest King, and angel's wings dreams

   Dream diary update. Its been at least 6 weeks since my last entry. That is the desired interval, so that the blogging doesn't interfere with my sleep or rhythms. I just want to use it as sort of an imagination diary, to keep track of new ideas that occur to me in my dreams. It also helps me to focus on my prognostications (my tumblr news analysis blog.) I frequently wake up seemingly knowing things that I probably have no right or reason to know.
   Lately my sleep has been disturbed at night, so I nap at midday. It became more disturbed Monday after 2 of the tomcats didn't come home. Dad assures me that they took up w/ a female cat in heat at the Mexicans' place next door. They stayed away during a cold snap, but they must be getting fed there.
   Today I dropped off twice at midday. First time I woke up and immediately changed the tv to watch Illinois Lawmakers/WSIU interview IL Rep Mike Madigan on environmental concerns he has about the new fracking bill. Then I ate lunch and dropped off again.
   I slept the second time with Swirly kitten while sitting up on the couch. I dreamed that I was in a fiery pit at Mount Pinatubo.

I rose up into the clouds with the ash. While soaring above the clouds, an angel flew up from behind and embraced me. I became aware of her first by seeing her wings enfold me. She drew my neck back with her delicate fingers until I saw her eyes and kissed her. I became aware that others around us were singing "Rise" by Oriya from the anime OP for "Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd Gig."

   I realized that there were more white wings around us. She gestured down and I witnessed the mountain forests growing and unfolding in natural majesty. Gold and Silver oak leaves and red maple flew together on the wind while colorful rainbows cut through the mountain clouds. I became aware of a yew crown atop my head. I realized I was to be the Harvest King this year. Finally I awoke to the sounds of Oriya sighing and the smells of birch or wintergreen. I thought I could still feel angel wings stroking my face, but as my eyes focused I could see that I was just waking in our drab living room..I immediately changed the tv to watch cspan 2 and Senator Rand Paul's filibuster of John Brennan/CIA over the drone memos.
   Interpretation: I have no idea why I was wearing a fairy crown and not a crown of iron or thorns like I usually do. The only reason why I might've dreamed about a good harvest is that the CME group/Bloomberg business report on @WGNnews today at noon announced that the eastern US is free of drought and now expected to have a bumper crop of corn in 2013. I was nodding off/hypnotized when I heard it. The natural setting reminded me of fractal landscapes. It was much more vivid and colorful a palette than reality.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Anne Hathaway, Fantine, Les Misérables, musical, Gershwin tune, male dancers, catwoman dreams

I had a dream about this last night, even tho I didnt watch the 2012 movie, this is my first time seeing Hathaway sing it, and I ignored the golden globes last night except for checking out Hathaway on twitter in her white dress.

 I make no secret that I consider Hathaway highly attractive, having said so on tumblr & twitter last month when I posted her old desktop image from Princess/Bride/Catwoman..

In addition to this little ditty, my dream lady also sang 2 other dark Gershwin tunes (are their any?) to the accompaniment of some male dancers. I don't feel like trying to figure out which musical elements were Gershwin & which Les Mis since it is really a fragmented dream musical composition. Weird dream. Unexpected, though I suppose it should have been since I consider Hathaway the most attractive woman I looked at Sunday. We'll see if she darkens my wet dreams in the future, with her Madonna singing against the bankster aristocracy in another Gilded Age.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tarot reading, Killer Whales, freedom, grandmother, Kentucky church, destruction, Climate Change dream

Dream diary update. I know it sounds strange to make a tarot reading in a dream, but that's they only way it happens for me nowadays. I have my decks safely tucked away in the shed. I got tired of having too many dreams about Death and The Devil to practice meditation readings anymore.
   So anyway after another tumultuous night Saturday I fell asleep between 7 pm-10:30 pm, and again from 4 AM-7 AM. As I awoke just before 7 AM this morning (Sunday), a flurry of images from the prior 10 minutes of dreamsleep assailed my consciousness. I immediately turned to my tumblr blog to write about the Hudson Bay killer whales trapped by Climate Change.

   I wrote that I believed now that they were free. The reason I didn't give on tumblr for this fancy was a series of tarot images from my dream. I saw flashes from the Waite deck; "The Sun", "The Moon", "The Stars", and "The World" in conjunction with the ending music from Happy Feet 2, "Under Pressure."

Note that all of the Pixar creatures singing in the number are either whale or orcas food. The meaning of this sequence of trumps preceding "The Stars" suggests that the whale pod are now free together. However, "The World" following "The Stars" suggests that this freedom was achieved through some agency of extinction. Possibly the pod leader, or "grandmother" as Diane Sayer referred to her, sacrificing either herself or other members of the pod for the salvation of All. I believe now that the orcas pod still exists, but that the grandmother leader may have sacrificed herself to save her family from Climate Change disaster. I suspected the same thing as I listened to Diane Sawyer's news read Thursday night, but my dream Tarot reading seemed like confirmation for my suspicians.
   After these images about Climate Change and the lost whales, Next I saw a superposition of Senators Mitch McConnell & Rand Paul together w/ a Kentucky church and the Tarot card "The Tower" reversed. I only found out later that another local church had been destroyed by Climate Change Saturday in Kentucky no doubt somewhat deservedly. KY religious Conservatives have a lot to answer for, not least of which is the actions of their Senators and their coal lobbyists in MountainTop Removal (MTR) pollution murders of children. Since Kentuckians refuse to fund either socialized health care for children or public firefighters, they are lucky no one else was consumed by flames last night. However Kentuckians do fund a lot of Conservative child rapists instead, including murderous school principals and imitation cop-rapists. Remember they are the only state to have murdered a 2010 census worker by public lynching. IMAO They are lucky not to have lost more churches last night.