Thursday, December 27, 2012

Green tea, dragon, death maze, walking cane, reanimator dreams

   Dream diary update. I just had a dream where I was a God building a death maze. I floated around backwards through the maze creating death traps and playing tricks on several female deities, specifically Hestia, Sekhmet, and Astarte. After sinking the rest of the humans into slumber I re-animated a medium-sized dragon. Finally the death maze was finished. I could feel the slumbering humans and my reborn dragon rouse themselves to run the maze as I awoke.
   After I woke up I started worrying about the white peacock. Dad hurt himself walking around in the snow looking for the bird yesterday after trying to feed him a dozen times. It seems dad fell through a snow drift and ended up hanging between 2 fallen trees. Perhaps that's why I was dreaming about walking canes last night? Anyway it will take several days for dad to recover. I may be displacing worry about dad's injury on to the bird. No doubt the dragon dream is from drinking Lemon Ginseng Green tea before bed.

Guest Post: My nephew "Dirk Diddly" dreams about me mountain biking & being attacked by giant zombie Van Damme

My nephew had this dream about me this morning, shared via himachi chat log: 

[06:59:45]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
[06:59:51]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
weird fuckin dream
[07:00:07]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I dreamed you and I went to kroger
[07:01:03]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
while we were there, we attracted some kind of evil, we only sensed it slightly there but we all felt kinda strange
[07:05:25]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
See you had lost all the toes on one foot but were entering a mountain biking competition anyway
[07:05:34]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and we were getting supplies
[07:05:35]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
[07:06:11]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
when we got home we sat at gma's table and talked about random crap
[07:06:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
but suddenly you said WOAH LOOK AT THAT
[07:06:28]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and we didn't see anything
[07:06:40]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
but then some really really odd music started playing
[07:06:49]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and I saw kroger parking lot
[07:06:58]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and a GIANT FUCKIN ZOMBIE was coming out of it
[07:07:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
they had firefighters and shit trying to stop it but it swiped em away
[07:07:36]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and we all knew it was coming for us
[07:08:39]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
Then a virus scan window popped up in my head and demanded a bunch of shit removed
[07:08:42]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and I woke up
[07:08:55]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and now joe wants me to go to kroger
[07:14:48]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I think the zombie was Jean-Claude Van Damme
[07:15:05]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
A giant zombie Jean-Claude Van Damme came after us

Dream Interpretation: In context, I had asked my nephew to look out for canned cat food on sale at Kroger for our ailing cat Sticky.  So that's probably why he was dreaming about Kroger parking lot. The "mountain biking and missing toes" dream sequence about me pertains to how when he was growing up I was a fitness nut with a revoked IL drivers license, so I mountain biked everywhere. Whenever he saw me I would be peeling off my socks and jokingly complained to him that I would probably lose some toes this time after having exercised for 3 hours and biking 24 miles to see them. It was my idea of a breaking the ice joke tradition, and it also served to remind my paraplegic nephew to be aware of his toes. The 'Van Damme' and 'viruscan' dream elements are other things that I had introduced him to while growing up.
   My own dreams lately have been interesting and peaceful. Ive had maybe 2 nights of dreaming about outer space and meteor showers, several nights of dreaming about being a forest god, and one or 2 nights as a druid high priest and a hermaphrodite. Standard stuff for me. Its actually surprising that I haven't had more dreams about fighting demons and beating the crap out of things. I usually have regular dreams about my martial arts training and boxing, but no. I will probably lose my next fight from getting soft.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Existentialist Hell, International Space Station, Mayan Doomsday, Climate Congress dreams

“That's what hell must be like, small chat to the babbling of Lethe about the
good old days when we wished we were dead.”
-Samuel Beckett

Most of my memorable dreams in Dec have been about arguing with 2 other people in dark enclosed spaces about oblivion, the multiverse, and the end of the world. Obviously these dreams are inspired by the play "No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre. Since my typical bimonthly or weekly dreams about hell usually involves feeling enormous battle fatigue and streetfighting demons, I consider Existentialist Hell to be an marked improvement. The mute third presence is usually a pretty girl. A lot of guys in my position might even consider them dreams about Paradise. Locked in a room with a beautiful girl who almost never talks back, and just one asshole I need to clobber in order to bang her for all eternity.

   An exception to this dream sequence occurred late last Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. I had been thinking a lot about the composite light photographs from the ISS dark field observatory, the #Cop18 #Doha summit on Climate Change, Nuclear Proliferation, & other 21st century bogies such as the Mayan calendar panic. Since I passed out looking at the Light photos again I ended up dreaming about watching the end of the World from the ISS. Unlike Douglas Adams' charming "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", all I could see and hear from the ISS was all the slaughter and destruction taking place on what had once been a bright blue ball. I watched the planet tremble and burn. The people turned to constant war and cannibalism. The seas rose up as the skies became black with smoke and tempests. I felt a wrenching and a tearing as I became trapped in a manifold of the multiverse, forever trapped in a singularity as I awoke.

Special guest post: Danny Elfman, Disability Treaty, tax havens, revolving door Congress, hot tub flush dreams

Well I have been keeping to my intended 1 post per month on the Dream Diary blog. That's because forcing myself awake to write entry details while they were fresh was causing a radical sleep deficit of 3-6 hours per night in October. Anyway I was going to write an entry this morning when my nephew beat me to it, and easily too. This is his (Dirk Diddly's) dream.
Special guest post: my Naturalist nephew, who also happens to be disabled, via chat log

[11:23:00]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I dreamed that I had found the secret tax-free party island of corrupt U.S. politicians
[11:23:24]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and their guards took me to a pool with Danny Elfman as lifeguard I guess
[11:23:51]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
he asked me a series of questions regarding what I thought of America and if I knew their secrets
[11:25:33]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
apparently dissatisfied with my responses they threw me into the pool and pressed a button that caused a large hole to open in the side of the pool, where I was sucked in headfirst and I believe killed somehow, tho the dream ended then so I don't really know
[11:25:47]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
kind of an unpleasant dream
[11:27:04]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
It's cuz I was listening to oingo boingo when you sent me those links about the teapublicans killing the disability rights treaty
[11:27:17]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
my brain fused it somehow
[11:27:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
coo dream
[12:44:15]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
y and they were all men, it was their secret tax-free gay island paradise that us common folk aren't supposed to know about
[12:44:37]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
Must be where congress spends all its time instead of actually doing something

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Elly Stone, French alleys, cathedral, demons, Feynman diagrams dreams

   Dream diary update. I didnt intend on making a blog entry so soon on the tails of my last entry 1 week ago. The dream I woke up w/ this morning was odd enough that I felt it required at least some remarks, though reluctantly. Instead of leaping to my diary immediately I postponed writing about it a few hours. So I won't be bothered remembering any deep details or grand thematic transformations that I know were there, since they are in almost all of my dreamsleep. I can mostly just recall the moments leading up to my awakening.
   My dream was filled with sounds, colors, and music. Intermittently throughout played the entire music soundtrack from the film "Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris"(1975), by Elly Stone.

A warbling Ms Stone in a low cut red evening gown was one of my major love interests for the dream. I can distinctly recall making love to her while she stood facing me singing to the back alleys of Paris.
   Much of the last part of the dream occurred in a giant cathedral space. Demons sought to distract and assault me, but they became repeatedly confused by my successful efforts at materializing multidimensional Feynman quantum diagrams before us. I was working on a key for establishing a string theorem of multiverse. I won at my efforts before they could assault me. So the demons regrouped outside the warping space I was in, shrugged, and left. Then my moving Feynman diagrams expanded between my fingertips and exploded. There was a white light all around me and I could feel the solar winds against my face once again as I awoke. It was around 5:15 AM CDT. The cats were resting on top of me and got up to be let out.
   For dream elements the French music & caterwauling lover are easily explained: I like French girls. I'm 25% French so I find I have better luck w/ dating some of them. The Stone movie is not one of my favorites, but it reminds me of fucking those punk French girls. The demons are somewhat harder to explain. Before bedtime I watched Svengoolie on MeTV w/ my visiting nephew. The flick last night was Hammer horror classic "Curse of the Werewolf" starring Oliver Reed. Reed also had had starring roles in the rock musical "Tommy" & as the adulterous priest in Ken Russel's "The Devils."

Coincidentally, my nephews is also named Tommy thanks to that movie. So I figure that watching that Oliver Reed/Hammer horror movie w/ my nephew combined w/ watching amusing Halloween demon porn clips after he left brought "The Devils" & sexy Yvonne Romain to my dream.

   The complex Feynman diagram spatial transformations are the most difficult dream elements to explain. I guess its safest just to say that I used to study that, in French, and parts of my dream were spoken entirely in French and Latin.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Childish dreams, darker realities, ghosts, lost cat dreams

   ICYMI In my last post I said that my beloved cat disappeared on Oct 4. I also wrote that I considered abandoning this blog because I feared it would drive me mad. In this post I plan to clarify those remarks and update post some of the dreams I was and am having.
   Before Oct 3 I had been planning to write a new dream diary post. Most of my dreams at the time seemed trivial, almost childish. I had dreams about kittens, rainbows, childhood, balloons, surfing, flying, wild animals, snow flakes and snow globes. Occasionally I had a dream w/ politicians or actors from tv doing vaudeville skits. I dreamed that Clint Eastwood was training me to shadow box w/ an empty chair, sort of a combo of Million Dollar Baby & SNL. I dreamed that Paul Ryan tried to get me to play straight man while he cracked welfare queen and anchor baby jokes while dressed as Dracula. During these weeks in my waking life I had been developmentally regressing. My parents divested from me entirely financially in July. I worked a few PT jobs for a neighbor but nothing inconvenient. I was spending a lot of time cuddling & talking w/ my cats while watching tv.
   BTW Oct 3 was the date of the first Presidential debate. Against my better judgement I watched it and microblogged on tumblr & twitter into the wee hours of Oct 4. Around midnight I let my cat out into the garage. She normally didn't go outside at this time, since she was of a gentler homebound disposition and a natural coward. I read twitter and dropped off intermittently throughout the night. Around 4 am I noticed she was gone and around 8:30 AM I became alarmed. I felt very guilty since I had been having beautiful dreams about celebrating a moonlight festival w/ her and the other cats until dawn, sort of replaying the hobbit feast from LOTR-1 in the dream w/ little cat people instead of hobbits and no wizard.
   In the following weeks my dreams took on several dark themes. I was dispassionately OCD about her loss, officially mourning the week after. I had dreams about fire and death, drowning and blood. I dreamed repeatedly about the ghost of the dead boy who used to have my bedroom. I dreamed that his head leaped on to my bed like a cat and argued w/ me about what a loser I am. I had all sorts of dreams about what must have happened to my missing cat. In retrospect IMAO its most probable that she was killed by our neighbor's giant black Newfoundland mastiffs, i.e., "Newfies," and he covered it up and disposed of the body.
   Our neighbor is a selfish bastard w/ an exotic animal fetish who likes to break ordinance and let them run loose in town here so they can snatch up free food. Animal control took the gator away and we are feeding the white peacock. I refuse to feed his giant dogs tho they frequently steal my cat's food if I'm not looking. Both of the "starving gentle giant" mastiffs look like this:
No doubt its lucky for him they weren't hunting small children at the primary school playground 100 m away.
    My naturalist nephew found some photos of the missing cat on his cell. She was extremely fond of me and begged to be held for rocking hugs and kisses no less than 5 times on the date of her disappearance. Her name was Skanky, pictured here w/ kittens and mate:
In the intervening weeks I've done everything short of posting a reward poster. It didn't make sense to post one since we thought we had no photos & she is colored a common Tabby variety so I'd get 15 wrong responses. I plan to make one now I think.
   Last weekend I started thinking maybe traveling Satanists got my cat. The main reason is this story about a dog dumped out nearby w/ acid all over her face burning off her flesh. Also my cat disappeared on Oct 4, World Animal Day, which is set on the catholic calendar Feast Day for St Francis of Assisi (patron Saint of animals). Satanists like to schedule their desecrations around the catholic calendar. Third there have been other inexplicably similar Satanic attacks on pets in Europe this month here, here, and here. Fourth my next-door neighbor's cute kitten was snatched 17 nights after mine, also in the wee hours of Sunday Oct 21 between midnight and 2 AM. He claims there was a car of traveling strangers parked there when he got home who must have sped away w/ his cat. Fifth there have been a mysterious October string of church-type vandals circa to our exact region here and here. IMAO It is insufficient to rule out Satanic sacrifice of our pets near Halloween simply because they are not black colored. I attended high school w/ several Satanists and they are still rumored to be in our town.
   It is more likely to be the reckless exotic pets neighbor though, since he has since ceased to turn the mastiffs loose for the rest of the month after the second cat. IMAO It is a wicked world, with much unwholesome pain visited by uprooted humans. I don't enjoy dreaming vividly every night about my cat being tortured and stuffed by wicked humans or pulled apart screaming in the dark by foaming hounds. It is reminiscent of the nightmare work of horror directors Clive Barker and Dario Argento.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Return to dream diary blog, Differences in Liberal & Conservative brains

   Well, I almost abandoned this blog this time. There are several reasons why. The main one is that I felt that dwelling too much on my dreams would drive me mad. A recent dream study shows that political Liberals tend to have much more vivid dreams & troubled sleep than political Conservatives do. Well I am about as Liberal as they come. In addition my brain may be more susceptible to bizarre dreams in other ways. I also felt that it was a good time to leave off the dream diary and focus more on my political blogging and other online studies.  One of the reasons I stayed in school for so many years (26 for college) is that concentrating & focusing regularly on my studies helps distract me from these internal disturbances.
    I am extremely Liberal w/ an IQ measured  in the 170-195 range, a creative IQ est in the 180s, and w/ an open and natural values system from my tolerant familial & social environment. I figured that anything that stimulates my pronounced Liberalism is bound to make me feel about as enlightened as Gandhi and theoretically as creative as Picasso. Alternatively, obsessing over the latest dream diary post at night after an internal freak show every 2 hours was making my sleep interruptions worse. I'd end up passing out at odd times and unable to plan tasks. I even lost track of one of my beloved cats, who was taken from here while I was in one such fainting state on the early morning of Oct 4. In the following post I'll go into some of the disturbing dream images I've been trying very hard to forget. I'll also go into more details on the subject of my missing cat.
    Other studies show that Liberal brains become more compassionate & open w/ political activity, while Conservatives tend to further close their minds w/ the same social activity. I understand that "open" and "closed" are relative terms, but that's just paraphrasing the way it was newscast to me. So for me switching blogs seemed like a win-win. My unpleasant disequilibrium in the dream diary would become remote in my thoughts and my daily focus instead on my twitter and tumblr blogs would make me more compassionate and creative. Here's enumeration lists on the relative behavioral differences and neuroanatomy of Liberal and Conservative brains. Coincidentally, political research shows that gullible voters tend to trust numbered lists implicitly, so politicians will frequently argue points in 3's when seeking to lull their minds to acceptance.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Valkyries, ravens, demon bears, Bast, Nile boat dreams

Dream diary update. Well I've been doing my best to forget my dreams again. I purposely avoid making entries in this blog more than once a month. My dreams this past month have varied from heaven to hell and back again. I had a dream last week that was so vivid I thought it was real. I was in a beautiful landscape with Valkyries trying to prevent me from leaving. I turned into a raven to fly away from them and they turned into swans. Somehow I flew sideways into a dark river and the world turned 90 degrees as I emerged back home in Middle-Earth as I awoke.

   Last night I had a dream about fighting demon-bears around 4 AM. I was really tearing the shit out of them, typically disemboweling a scowling demon-bear with one stroke of my sword. The slaughter was so one-sided that I took a young nephew as a page and trained him to do it. He had just disemboweled his demon-grizzly with a single stroke for the first time when I awoke.
Swirly kitten was curled up on top of me nibbling my nose. She wanted pet for about an hour while I chatted with my real nephew.
   I fell asleep again around 8 AM, this time with Swirly's mother, Skanky cat, wanting to cuddle. I had a dream about the violin from Rouge et Bleu again. It's one of my favorite clips from Classic Arts Showcase that was playing when I awoke from the demon-bears dream at 4 AM.

The violin was playing throughout my dream, which involved me spending time with my lover Bast while floating on a Nile junk made of papyrus together. I thought we might make love when I awoke. Skanky cat was putting deeply on my spine and periodically licking my neck and nibbling my ears.

Monday, July 2, 2012

TM, water elemental, beasts, cat girl, dark angel, Hell dreams

   Dream diary update. I had a few God dreams early last week. When I have dreams that are filled with Transcendental Meditation imagery or ancient mythologies then I call them God dreams. I had a dream about being a water elemental. Another couple of dreams about animals. I dreamed I was a fox.

A couple of dreams about croc, water moccasin, giraffes and of course cats. I had a sex dream about doing a hot cat girl Friday.

   Mostly though I've been having dreams about Hell again  I had a dream Saturday afternoon about being savaged and ripped to shreds in the dusk sky by flying dark angels. One of them swooped up & dived down like an eagle to finish me off as I awoke.
 Today I passed out late this afternoon and I dreamed about being hammered, clawed, and tortured by old people in this huge dark mansion. The mansion was like the one from the Fall of The House of Usher but bigger and taller, almost like a mountain cathedral. The two old ladies were about to claw out my throat. One of them went for my right eye & the other disemboweled me as I awoke.
I've been dreaming about old people a lot lately, probably because I only socialize daily with my parents. Nevertheless I felt magickally charged up after this dream. I'm pretty used to Hell dreams by now. Also I woke up with the cats taking shelter in my bed so I was quite peaceful. When I brought them outside the white peacock flew up in a tree above the roof and joined us out front. He's been roosting on the back porch. I think he likes the cat food and bird seed I set out there regularly with the water bowls.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Plasma arc choral ensemble, Ghosts of Mars space program dreams

Dream diary update. I put off making my next entry too long. I had some real wild dreams last week but now I've forgotten most of them. Anyway 2 days ago I had a dream where I was mage like Gandalf the Grey. I empowered a little girl & her monster friend to sing opera together. I did it by arching a plasma arc of white power over them.

Their music was a haunting mishmash of 3 other music snippets. The first was the lyrical version of "Oh, Didn't He Ramble!" by Mr Louis Armstrong:

The second music snippet was a massive choral arrangement of"Jupiter: The Bringer Of Jollity" by Gustav Holst

I couldn't place the third music snippet in my dream composition but I suspect it was Con Te Partiro

   Just now I had another dream about a private space ship group, not SpaceX, responsible for helping our migration to Mars. Like in the films MIB 3 & in Empire Strikes Back, I helped the Apollo 11-style, Saturn V rocket ships take off. I felt the thunderous roar of their take off exhaust vibrating against my head. They lifted off into the brilliant blue sky while a sun ray arched across the horizon as I awoke.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dolphin Aflockalypse, fracking Piasa bird, dead megacity, zombies, evil priests, demon boy, gothic lolita vampires dreams

I've been neglecting the dream diary again, this time for 3 weeks. 2 weeks ago I couldn't get rid of the dream images of swimming with zombie dolphins and walking up to beached whales. I suppose it was because of reading about the thousands of Aflockalypse kills in Peru due to offshore oil & gas exploration.

   I also dreamed about poisoned scaly deer with red eyes and a man's face chasing me. They were angry about all the US natural gas fracking ruining their forests and watersheds. An Illini native American medicine man saved me from the dream deer beasts before turning into a crow and flying up and away. I had forgotten about the legend of the Piasa bird but I woke up from those dreams remembering it.

   Last week I started dreaming about being lost walking or working through dead cities. Frequently I would find myself repeating the same steps over and over again throughout the dream until the world exploded around me. As if the emptiness of existence in the dead megacity of my dreams made daily life a set of meaningless rote trials.

   This week in addition to giant megacities I also started dreaming about zombies, evil priests, demon boys, and gothic lolita vampire girls. No doubt this dream trend is from my watching weird Japanes horror animes again. I started up this hobby after watching the Avengers movie last Tuesday for my sister's birthday present. Still I suppose its better to populate my dream megacities with bloodthirsty rogue characters than to just leave them empty except for laborers like myself. Still this dream trend is almost as absurd as when I used to dream repeatedly about being chased by Ms PacMan, a video game I mastered decades ago as an adolescent. I've been telling myself how stupid my dreams are all month, even though I often feel they beckon me involuntarily back to sleep.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dead uncle Bob, kittens trampoline, sexy angels, burning ghost, midnight slasher, Big Brother dreams

   Dream diary update. My dreams lately have been light, almost cartoonish. Part of the reason for this I believe is that I have been going out more and paying less attention to hobbies. Another part is the family of kittens which have been piling up and crowding me on my new bed.
   For about a week after my last post I dreamed mostly about kittens. Sometimes the entire dream would be just kittens. I also dreamed about dead uncle Bob a few times. We would be out in the back yard fishing with the kittens. This is not surprising. After uncle Bob died 2 weeks ago, I got his mattresses and blankets. Also the kittens decided to move into it with me since I cleaned the place up when I installed it. So my sleep is more peaceful now with less need for planking and contorting as these kittens cuddle with me on my warm soft new double bed. That must account for the dreams about kittens and jumping on trampolines. They often wrassle & play on top of me while I'm sleeping. I even had a dream with kittens and the characters from "Spongebob Squarepants" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." It doesn't much more peaceful than that.

    I had an odd sex dream or two about having sex with angels and another one about hermaphrodites.having sex. Pretty standard stuff for me.

   A couple of days ago my dreams began entering into their old patterns of sleep disturbances. Dreams about choking, racing, being hit by vehicles,or being engulfed in flames for a few examples. This past Sunday morning I fell asleep for 5 minutes on the couch upstairs while a woman on cspan kept saying things like 'the burning truth' or 'we all use too much fiery rhetoric' I had a brief but VERY intense dream about the house burning. I woke up after this hypnosis actually smelling the burning and feeling heat on my face and hair burning off my arms and legs. So I leaped up yelling 'Fire"and ran into the kitchen sink to put myself out with water and to start battling the blaze. Of course there was nothing there in real life but sunlight and birds singing.

The really odd thing about this dream is that my room used to belong to a boy who burned to death in it.Also I was in the living room upstairs where a poltergeist had visited last month through an open window, scattering the cats. I had had a rather sleepless night after having a butcher-horror dream after midnight Saturday that could be described as "Saw II" meets "The Cell." Not very comfortable as midnight visions go.

   About an hour ago I had a parallel history dream that Big Brother had taken over the military-industrial complex after Jack Kennedy was assassinated. This is similar to the background plot in "Watchmen." The entire world was pwned by FOXNews and all the shows on tv were wrestling, like in the movie "Idiocracy." The military-industrial complex decided that Obama must go, so internal SS disappeared him while the Murdoch empire made sure that no one cared about it or noticed. In the dream when I asked one jackbooted thug about where Obama went, he just sneered and marched off goose-stepping. I suppose I have been watching the debate about AZ SB1070 and CISPA a little too closely lately or perhaps not closely enough. My guess is that's why I had a superficial conspiracy theory dream as a political nightmare.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Musical duets, Hawaiian flyovers, body piercings, Prospero Tempest, hunting panther woman dreams

   Dream diary update. Practically a whole month has gone by since my last diary entry. Its not that I was dreaming less, I just didn't feel like writing them. After my last entry I began having a long series of musical dreams. Thursday morning I dreamed about singing Autumn Leaves duet with a dream lover again.

My youtube playlist has a higher res version that won't embed here for some reason. In this dream I was the inferior singer and the woman I was duetting with had the golden opera pipes that hits those high notes.
   I've had a lot of dreams this past month about losing my breath, though no sleep apnea or other night disturbances. I think I just become more aware of my shallow nighttime breathing during my dreams about singing. I used to be a fairly decent choral member before adolescence ruined my pipes. Now I just have a muted vocal range and a good tiger yell.
   Friday morning I dreamed about nontraditional Hawaiian music from a pbs special "Over Hawai'i: A pilot's story" I dreamed I was with the all-male Hawai'ian choruse in a disembodied cloud flying over the islands. Mostly we stayed over Maui with good reason. The pilots say that's the best flyover in the world. Though I've never actually been except in a dream.
   From this point on I had a week of dark slasher dreams with lots of sexual sadism and body piercings. Mostly nipple piercings with a little tongue. I don't actually have any but I can dream about them (:

   After that dry period was over I began having really wild Tempest dreams again that I was Prospero. It was good to have some dream powers. Lo' and behold the sorcerer in my dream musings was finally brought down again by more dreams of romantic love. I suppose since I can't meet those needs in real life, it makes sense that I might have them night after night in my dreams. Once again I didn't feel like writing about them for some weeks until now. Recently my romantic dreams have turned into more active hunting dreams about white stags, unicorns, the whole menagerie. Just now I had a particularly vivid dream that I was a panther giving cunnilingus to a sexy woman that I had hunted down. You can guess at how it ends, since I had a very big panther tongue.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

conjoined hermaphrodite, hell poltergeist,, black swan, dark angel dreams

   Dream diary update. My dreams lately have been pretty boring. So I decided to go through a dry period of 2 or 3 weeks in the dream diary. From what I remember of them I spend hours arranging inanimate objects in my dream environment or perhaps attempt to solve a minor detective mystery. While there have been some adult elements, a few sex dreams, and one or two gender bender dreams, I felt they were nothing to write here about. I suppose I did have an odd gender bender sex dream where I was a female conjoined to the male in a set of conjoined twins. The three-way I had in that sex dream was disturbing and bizarre, especially when we started turning hermaphrodite.
   On Sat March 10 I fell asleep on the couch watching horror movies. I had several dreams about losing my soul and traveling in Hell. When I woke up alone. The wind blew a living room window out and a female silhouette appeared in our curtains curling her finger at me. The cats were so scared that all 3 of them immediately dashed out of the house. I didn't react to this occurrence except with mild curiosity and annoyance having seen ghosts and poltergeists before. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand out a little bit. I did what I usually do with ghosts, I laughed and thought murderous thoughts at her until she went away. The next morning when I heard about the Afghan massacre by US staff sergeant Robert Bales, I realized 2 things about my nocturnal visitor. First that the silhouette did look like the torso image of a woman in chaadaree or mandated Taliban coverings. Second that it happened during a freak wind gust about an hour after the estimated time of the massacre. I found this coincidence mildly astounding at the time, but I told myself that it was all conjecture and took a couple steps back. That's what I usually do after a ghost encounter, though I can never forget getting beaten by a poltergeist in New Orleans back in 1990. He used the neighbors' antique ivory-handled umbrella to beat me down the stairs of our garden district apartment and into the old concrete pool. I couldn't see him, just an ivory-handle umbrella swinging around above hitting me. That's what I usually think back to when I encounter a ghost. That they aren't always insubstantial. I almost didn't write about this in the dream diary, but I realized I eventually would a week later.
   About a week ago on the night of Tuesday March 20 I had several dreams about strong women going through a Black Swan-like transformation.

By Wednesday morning I thought it odd that I should have dreamed about strong women for 10 hours until I realized that The Hunger Games was ad blitzing images of a murderous Jennifer Lawrence on my network tv prior to its premiere.

   Just now I had a nice dream about being watched over by an angel with black raven wings. Standard dream stuff.

I was mildly surprised when I awoke and no cats were curled up around me, but when I called out softly they came out. My biggest tom Smoky cat was squalling like a raccoon had tried to get in during the night.