Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gershwin, Porgy & Bess Suite, It ain't necessarily so

I fell asleep into a a peaceful nap at midday. I slept for 3 hours and dreamed about Gershwin music again. This time it was the snippet of Porgy & Bess Suite orchestra that I caught on CAS this Sunday morning. I was walking around a city full of nice folks and the music was moving everything. Nobody said a word.
They just smiled like friends and mimed things.

Mike Teavee, African tundra, Scottish Highlands, Climate Change premonition

I had an uncomfortable dream this morning. I watched the Tim Burton remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on cable prime time last night.

Just as with the first movie I had a sort of nightmare about Mike Teevee killing people by pulling them out of a giant TV we were watching them with. I ran out of my people and started watching the African tundra and Scottish Highlands. I started to reach for them to pull them from the TV when the power went out. In darkness I looked around the dead giant TV room as I awoke. Fluffy was sleeping with me on the bed. I view this loss of habitat theme as one of my premonitory dream ideas, probably due to the apparent acceleration of Climate Change in the wake of failed talks and hyperconsumption impetus.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Railgun, suborbital mining

Dream diary update. I just had a dream about playing with a giant railgun to mine meteors from a suborbital platform. When I used my giant gun I heard a deep bass playing music for me. My railgun had a massive barrel and whenever I was bored I used it to write patterns on the moon.

When I awoke on the couch upstairs mom was watching ABC/GMA. Robin Roberts was interviewing gun law activist/filmmaker Colin Goddard who had recently gone undercover with a hidden camera at weekend gun shows. Colin Goddard's "Living for 32" I'm not surprised my railgun dream was contrary to the commercial network television topic that mom plays at high volume. I frequently have dream themes that run counter to external irritants.

Central Park ice skating, dream family, Infomercial mafia

Dream diary update. I had a nice dream today after falling asleep with Fluffy on top of me while watching ice skating reruns on NBC. My dream was all about a fictional family and friends and ice skating with them in New York's Central Park. My sister and her kids were there skating and so was Fluffy and they were all happy healthy humans instead of 3 fat disabled folks and an old cat.

Now I just had another existential nightmare. I fell asleep tonight watching cult movies and an old 1950s Etiquette short on RTV/Off Beat Cinema. The feature film on Off Beat Cinema was The Magic Sword (1962) again, which gets rerun way too often.

I was unsuccessful in looking up the social manners/Etiquette short on youtube. I found lots of dopey manners vids instead that mean nothing to me. My etiquette has always been polite and cold with most people even as I restrain my natural impulses to tell them how stupid most of their ideas are.

Since I fell asleep with my TV on RTV, I got a ton of infomercials in my sleep. Hence my existential nightmare tonight involved the pyramid marketing fraud about "Making money on credit flows." Only in my dream I was trapped in a mafia town that eats up foreigners by making them give up their credit information to speculate on the local pizzeria. I tried to escape by wandering around the streets but the entire town was under their control and they had me followed with lookouts. The pizzeria was staffed with fat lazy people of varying ethnicities who all looked like they were pretending to work hard. Sort of like the conservative Republican idea of what most unions are like. The scam would be over once they got all your personal information and maxed out all your credit to run the small business at a staggering loss for a few days. The guy in front of me had no idea he was being scammed out of his capitalist consumer credit. He told me to wish him luck as the lazy people started making thousands of pizzas on his dime. It was my turn to type in my info in the credit pad or else fight them all. I tensed up with my decision as I awoke. Ordinarily in my dream I would have just prepared to kill them all, but this time I was going to simply refuse and let them kill me or beat the extortion money out of me. I must be getting soft-headed. I don't usually choose the Gandhi objection option in the face of savage capitalism.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Titan AE, Wake Angels, aerial ballet, Nutcracker dream

Dream diary update. I just had a fantastic version of a recurring dream about the animated film Titan AE. I've been having dreams about Titan AE since its 2000 release. Now that was a great year. Anyway in my dream the Earth had managed to beat all of the Drej except for the small flying drones. The Wake Angels from the movie are small fighter drones in my dream. They follow and attempt to destroy anything that attempts to fly above the Earth. In my dream I am an experienced fighter pilot and flight instructor. I instruct the new kids on how to out-fly the Wake Angels and clear shipping lanes to the moon.

I have to keep demonstrating how to out-maneuver the Drej Angels in my wake for some of the students and it makes for some pretty fun aerial stunts. As I executed some amazing aerial ballets to destroy them I awoke. KETC/PBS was just opening Great Performances on TV with the 2007 recording of the San Francisco ballet doing the Nutcracker.  Kristi Yamaguchi did her infamous intro talking about ice skating and dance and how much the two are related a year before her 2008 DWTS debut. I found it a queer sort of symmetry with my dream theme since my dream was about how much being a fighter pilot for Earth and aerial dance are related.

I was also extremely pleased by her TV appearance nascent to my epic dream since Yamaguchi always gives me rock hard wet dreams when she is in them. I know it sounds creepy but there it is. I have to be sentimental since I still remember her epic 1991-92 Olympic figure skating run. I had just moved back in with the parents to go back to school after being a footloose homeless traveler for 5 years. That was before I had been successfully taught at college to keep to my SEC class. Lady Di used to do the same thing for me. XD

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wonkavator, Escalator schools, graduate jobs

Dream diary update. I awoke early this morning I awoke at 3 am after several recurring dreams that I unhappily associate with my lifetime failures to find work placement after graduations. Basically graduation is just as depressing as dropping out for me, and I did both for 34 years from abortive preschools to extended graduate and professional studies. IMAO postgraduate community college was like High School with a strong dose of corporate nepotism thrown in. Nevertheless I am thankfully not currently in any "escalator schools" for middle-aged has-beens like myself and teenaged sex-bunnies. Nevertheless my pointlessly extended school experience still gives me existential nightmares. I dream that I am on a Wonkavator with buttons that point to diplomas. Too bad it doesn't lead to breaking any glass ceilings for me or I might get some help doing it.

I also had a dream about being an old man in an open escalator school for 15-22 year olds. In that dream my movement ends up slowing to a crawl while the teen voices around me go up to chipmunk scales and frequencies.

Finally in my dreams I ended up back in my School of Hard Knocks dream college like the nights before. The subjects covered included synthetic gasoline and Road Warrior fighting techniques over gas, women, and water in the Rust Belt of the future after Climate Change and corporate environmental degradation gets through with us. Despite this dream I still intend to stay in my godforsaken Rust Belt home town basement apartment with no jobs for freaks like me.

Goth fights, clones, no chick mercy, laughter

Dream diary update. Wednesday afternoon I had this wild dream about street fighting with a gang in Goth makeup. When the dream ended I had split into 8 clones and was defeating all the Goth fighters simultaneously. Even the female Goth I rolled from a moving car, despite my prohibition against hitting female fighters. As the grinning Goths all fell I could hear all my clones laughing maniacally. Their laughter swirled and spiraled up to become the booming laughter of my dream universe creator (myself) as I awoke.

Monday, December 20, 2010

anthropomorphic, sniper, Tron, weather wizard, Nutcracker, penitent priest dreams

Dream diary entry. Well my dreams of late have been either violent, unpleasant, or forgettable. So I neglected making individual diary entries for them. Last Thursday and Friday I had violent anthropomorphic dreams about children and talking animals and a diabolic giant turtle that wanted me to be a trained sniper. Saturday I dreamed about the new Tron movie and VR, because I wanted to see the 3D movie kind of badly. Sunday's dreams were of being a weather wizard again, probably from listening to transnational news reports about the rampant rains and snows. Monday I dreamed about the Nutcracker Arabian Dance music again like last year

Just now I had a dream about being a penitent priest, probably because I sensed my affectionate cat and Independent Lens: The Calling playing on my TV.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

School, bicycling, animals, dumpster diving, telekinesis

Dream diary update. Just now (Wednesday morning) at 0330 I had yet another school dream that was mostly disconnected with lots of bicycling, abandoned pets, and dumpster diving for clothes. I had the ability to make people blow up which I had to resist using in order to go to my college class. Even though I had blown up most of the instructors by the end of my dream, I gave it one last go. I was idling around in my underwear and the female instructor kept trying to move me around so the female students wouldn't be offended. I got tired of this too so I blew her up as I awoke.

Driving, coastal town, wooden trestle, eagle man

Dream diary update. Tuesday I was sick with a cold so I ended up sleeping half the day away. From 1000 to 1200 I had a dream about driving cars and being lost. I kept ending up on a vertical spiral exit ramp that was built as a wooden trestle like an old roller coaster. The towering thing would descend for miles to a nice little coastal town that I hated visiting. Near the end of the dream I confronted a man who had built it presumably. He was half-man and half-eagle. He glared balefully at me as I awoke.

Twin Warriors, elf girl dream

Dream diary update. I've had a cold lately and Fluffy the cat has been merciless about tackling me when I wake up and not getting off. So its been difficult to keep up with the entries and I'm 3 behind now. Tuesday morning at 0430 I had a dream about being part of a pair of twin warriors. The dream had lots of Japanese overtones. My mystical brother and I had different fighting skills. Mine were H2H, arrows & thrown darts, and ninja arts. His were edged weapons, cavalry riding, and the way of the samurai. We were drawn to attack one another but I had overcome the spiritual malaise through training. My brother was being consumed by the madness. I had a flame-haired elf girl as a girlfriend. During a quest I had saved the village where her father was elder. Near the end of the dream it became more violent as they are wont to do. My brother was unable to resist the need to attack me. He grabbed me by the neck for an embrace but instead held me at length while he used his right hand to destroy his collection of mystical edged weapons in his armory. I let him do it, knowing that he could never beat me without them as I awoke.

Monday, December 13, 2010

new molecules, synthetic lifeforms, Large Hadron Collider

Dream diary update. Tonight around 1230 I had a dream that was like a beautiful symphony. I dreamed that we used the Large Hadron Collider to synthesize the particles of creation. The particles were magnified and represented dimensionally until they were projected holographically in the lab to appear as big as monoliths. I stayed late in the lab and skipped dinner with the wife (I don't have one) to observe the particles organizing into the molecules of Life. As the sun set in the East I could see new life begin to emerge from them as I awoke. Later I had another dream of particles the size of beach balls. We played volleyball with them on the beach even though their Navier-Stokes coefficients kept them moving constantly. When I awoke at 0350 the Mormon Tabernacle Choir were singing Christmas carols on WSIU/PBS and the cats were watching me.

Friday, December 10, 2010

College of Hard Knocks, dead grandma

Dream diary update. I fell asleep upstairs watching TV with mom. I just had a dream of attending my old dream alma mater, the School of Hard Knocks. Classes tonight were geared towards jujitsu and telephone identity theft. After working all week there I went to visit my dead maternal grandma at her house where she was sleeping. Mom was there waiting in the living room. It was difficult to waken her, but when we did I greeted her and hugged and kissed her. As I heard her laugh and saw her smile I began to tell her about my week at college when I awoke. Mom had gone to bed.

Sleepless nights, Tempest and fire dreams, more injuries

Dream diary update. Tuesday night around 0300 I had a dream about traveling nearly the same route over and over again. I normally associate tumultuous dreams like that to reading Will Shakespeare's The Tempest. I would start on the trains and meet with Dad in the country to drive past Bar-be-cue huts with food out on picnic tables. Each time Dad would refuse to stop to let me gorge on the meat, presumably so we could go off hunting and fishing. This part of the dream is probably because I've recently progressed my weight loss diet to banning Dad's mystery meat, sausages and bacon. As the dream progressed faster and faster jumping off the trains became more dangerous and the skewered meat outside got bigger and bigger until my mouth was watering. Dad became meaner like he used to be when he growled that I should shut up and stay in my seat when I awoke. My left ankle was badly sprained from some motion I had done while asleep. This is just 2 weeks after the bad bite I gave my left ring finger while asleep which has finally healed. I had hoped that the bite was an isolated incident over grief for letting mom's cat Hunter finally get eaten by the coyotes outside. It is my job to watch over the cats. Apparently the injurious sleep disturbance is part of a new cycle. It is likely that the sprained ankle is merely from sleeping sitting up in a half-lotus position again. I decided to start sleeping on the couch upstairs where it would be harder to walk or thrash around without waking. Wednesday afternoon around 1800 I had a 90-min nap with a dream about being paralyzed and burning for an entire day on a funeral pyre in the African steppe. I woke up feeling the flames lapping at my face and feeling much better. Thursday morning at 0700 I had a dream about being on a planet where the landscape was red and the sky purple. Insects that sounded like crickets buzzed loudly as the wind gusted the tall red grasses. I awoke with the chirp of the insects in my ears. Tonight I awoke at midnight feeling happy that I couldn't remember my dreams.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Abstract Expressionist Tetris Wings Dream

Dream diary update. My dreams lately have ranged from Shakespearean to abstract dadaism. Since none of them were very personal or thematic, I decided not to attempt to describe the indescribable in my dreams blog over the past week. Part of the reason for this lack of focused imagery is that: 1.I've stopped going out for walks in the cold and 2. My 17-yr-old cat Fluffy has been affectionate but insistent that she sleep on top of me for 6 hours a day. Since we have heat now I'm not sure why she still requires this much contact with my prodigious body heat. Just now I had another 1.5 hour nap with Fluffy on top. While sleeping I dreamed I had golden wings that looked and felt like a Gustav Klimt painting, only the pixelated boxes kept moving and rearranging themselves in space and time like a Tetris game. There was no blurring of boxes as they had very distinct edges like in Cubism. I don't feel ashamed about having Tetris video game dreams anymore since the Russians released studies that shows playing it increases IQ. In my dream after sitting calmly for an eternity I finally began to flap my kaleidoscopically shifting wings in preparation for our first flight when I awoke.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Italian Job/Dirty Rotten Scoundrels recurring dream Purgatorio

Dream diary update. I fell asleep rocking my cat Fluffy. She was so insistent that she didn't let me off the hook for the last 5 hours. Like the last 4 nights I woke up in time to watch Charlie Rose on KETC/PBS, though I missed BBC World News before it tonight. I just had a recurring dream that was like a cross of The Italian Job and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Its been 6 years since I watched them together as a Michael Caine movie rental, but they made an impression on my recurring Purgatorio dreams. Since I read the Divine Comedy at the Vatican library, I've had recurring transformational dreams of what I think the real versions are like. My impression of Christian purgatory has been analogous to Mark Twain's attitude about their religion, i.e., where the villainous learn how to be good con artists. In the dream I kept breaking into a storefront to get the attention of a mob boss who was working there on planning a big heist. It turned out that the entire block was like a sort of purgatory for evil con men, with new ones dropping off all the time from different routes. I was constantly being expelled by the henchmen guards and figuring out new ways to get in. I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted there, though I eventually won acceptance by claiming a desire to apprentice under the mob boss and by proving my own scoundrel abilities. The deadline for the big heist kept looming closer and I learned more and more until the scoundrels finally stopped arriving the day before it was scheduled. Instead of delivering scoundrel-souls the reaper began delivering their daughters to accuse them of abuse/neglect. Silvio Berlusconi's adult daughter made a big stink about his abandoning her that threatened to blow up half the store. Next David Letterman's daughter arrived to confront him about sexism and family neglect. The scoundrel mob store was emptied of residents that went out front to argue with their womenfolk. Finally I was alone with the mob boss and able to ask him a few questions about my inheritance hidden there in a Swiss account number. He laughed and told me that the numbers I wanted were on the table. They were typed in wax paper and covered in egg yolk. As I scratched off the egg yolk I was able to read the left one of the two numbers. Before I could read the right one I awoke. The left serial number was DH587394L I could make out that the right one had a G in it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

HAL security system punk sci fi dream

Dream diary update. This dream I just had was like one of the 1980s punk sci fi indy-produced movies. In it a serial killer had stalked my friends and parents. My brother and I and our stepfather (we don't have one) were all that's left. Stepfather, played by Jonathan Pryce, kept his white collar job. My brother kept his construction job working a cement mixer. I kept my job working as an entertainer at the casino. My job had some new automated monsters chasing us naked while people ate and watched. It was becoming quite dangerous, especially for me. So after letting the monsters do their thing for awhile while dining gamblers watched, I finished my last shift and quit.  I picked up a couple of ladies working with me on the way out to double date with brother and I, a blond and a redhead. The dream got kind of dark and erotic at that point. We all had sex outside at the ancient ruins in one of the boroughs. Meanwhile stepfather arrived to our new condo and was rebuffed by the new security system he'd had installed to keep out the stalkers. He decided to spend the night at a five-star hotel and complain in the morning. We didn't know that most of the advanced automation in the city had started to become self-aware and plot killing their masters. That's a 1980s cyber-punk sci fi theme that I often dream about. After midnight sometime, my brother got nervous about the stalker. We decided to move the sex to our new condo. My brother and the girls were imprisoned by the new security system while I smoked outside. I noticed something was wrong when it wouldn't let me in so I short-circuited the door. The girls gratefully fled with us and we all left together for the hotel when I awoke. I immediately knew something had to wrong when the girls didn't hate us and blame us for everything bad that happened during the sex. That's why I woke myself up from the dream, even though the sex was quite good.

Lord of the Flies+Samuel Clemens purgatory dream

Dream diary update. My dream can be classified as a 'Lord of the Flies' type dream with Samuel Clemens' overtones. I believe the Samuel part is because I desperately want to read a copy of his autobiography that is being bound nearby according to local news, but I have no money to buy one. I frequently have dreams where I cast myself as Clemens since we share the mutual name, even though Samuel is reversed in the dream from my family name to a given name. I also dream about the demon Samael occasionally when the letters are reversed. Anyway in my dream I was one of several eternal childhood counselors at the Eternal Summer work camp. Unlike the adult counselors who were snarly and hated being there, I was one of the inmate assistants. The adult counselors thought we were in Hell and like smoking, drinking, and humping late at night and other odd hours. This required other types of camp assistants, including an adult black Roma migrant laborer named Jim. Jim had a wife and daughter somewhere whom he liked stealing for. I looked the other way one time and got him clemency for stealing small things out near the dam we were building. We children liked frolicking with Pan and his nymphs out in the moonlight. Jim looked the other way and sometimes played his accordion while we danced under the full moon. So I was just returning the favor. Anyway one of the strongest child nymph-inmate assistants was also going to be punished by the adults. It was because she had made it clear to all the children that she was just there to have sex with someone other than Pan. She was strong and fond of speaking her mind openly. One of the other male children had ended up asking her what she was doing there if it wasn't to obey the adult counselors. Well the adults had summoned a child psychologist-counselor and they were getting ready to tie up and burn the child-nymph. Suddenly they aborted the witch burning and sent all the kids back to work on the dam except for the child assistants. The adults let me untie her but I didn't feel any better. They led her away to to their favorite orgy spot while they led me to the horse stables. The other adults had Jim there tied upside down and hanging against one of the stalls, sort of like the tarot card the hanged man but hanging reversed and while still alive. I knew we were in for it but I figured that they were probably just testing my loyalty. The adults then told me that Jim had stolen one of the supervisors' leather belts at the dam and they pointed it out around his waist. He had taken it for his wife and daughter but they didn't care about that. The adults made it clear they wanted me to beat him to death with the belt. I was given the choice of what to do to try to get us all out of the jam when I awoke. Kyra Sedgwick/The Closer was playing on SpikeTV. I realized that some of the dream child-nymph's dialogues had been the same as Kyra Sedgewick's narrations. The Closer was wrapping up the case of a charming guy who had killed his wife and daughter and who made it look like suicide at sea.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dream diary update. I made the mistake of falling asleep while watching SpikeTV. I had a dream about joining a company where the only way to get promoted was to become a wizard's apprentice to one of the executives. They were all caucasian shapechangers and most of the workers were mostly short asiatics. Anyway a dispute between raven-winged and bat-winged ended up turning into a gun battle. I escaped the boardroom with another less durable one. The black employees were setting up velvet ropes and telling everyone to mind their own business. The guy I rescued asked, "So this is how how you get promoted?" Everyone waited in fear to greet the victors as the battle raged on and I awoke to the warehouse gunfight scene in National Security on the telly.

National Security trailer